Blueberry Beer Sorbet

Hubby and I enjoy beer. A lot. As we’ve grown up, our tastes have evolved to appreciate quality beer, not the crap we drank in college. Moving to Ohio, we were concerned that we wouldn’t be able to satisfy our beer-snobbery the way we could in the East Coast. Lucky for us, Cincinnati has a strong beer heritage, and the craft beer scene here is growing day by day.

Blueberry Beer Sorbet

One of our local breweries is called Rivertown. Hubby and I have been enjoying tasting their beers, which we can buy at our local grocery store. I picked up one of their variety packs a while ago and it had a blueberry variety in it. Now Hubby and I both really dislike blueberry beer. It’s pretty big in Boston because of Wachusett Blueberry beer.

Blueberry Beer Sorbet

So the blueberry beers always just sit in the back of our fridge. Waiting for someone to come over who like blueberry beer, or until it’s the last beer in the fridge and one of us gets desperate enough to drink it. When our latest CSA box came with two pints of super ripe blueberries, I had a spark of a memory of this Strawberry Beer Sorbet. I decided to put our blueberry beer to some use by mixing it with fresh blueberries to whip up this sorbet.

Blueberry Beer Sorbet

And I’ll tell you what, if blueberry beers tasted like this sorbet, I’d be a HUGE fan of blueberry beer. There’s a strong sweet blueberry flavor with just a hint of beer in it. Hubby and I couldn’t stop steeling little tastes of this sorbet. I was excited to make a variation on a recipe that I’ve made before. I definitely want to try more fruit and beer combinations in the future.

Blueberry Beer Sorbet

I have been churning my sorbet recipes for a bit longer than the recipe says. I feel like it gives the sorbet a soft airy texture and the sorbet is less likely to get super icy.

Two Years Ago: Nectarine Blueberry Cobbler
Three Years Ago: Salmon Burgers and Chicken Parmesan Burgers
Four Years Ago: Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache and Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Five Years Ago: Salmon, Goat Cheese, and Spinach wrapped in Phyllo

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Blueberry Beer Sorbet


4 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup sugar
16 oz beer of your choice


In a sauce pan over medium high heat, add the blueberries and the sugar. With a potato masher, mash and stir the blueberries until well macerated and combined with the sugar. Allow the mixture to come to a boil, stirring and mashing until all the blueberries have broken down, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Place the blueberry mixture in the fridge until completely cool, at least 2 hours.

Remove blueberry mixture from fridge and stir in beer. Process in ice cream makes following manufacturers' instructions for 30-40 minutes until firm. Place in a freezer safe container and chill until ready to serve.

Recipe adapted from The Beeroness

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14 Responses to “Raspberry Chipotle Jam”

  1. #
    Samantha — January 22, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    Raspberry and chipotle! what a combo. I love this idea. I could put chipotle in anything and be happy.

    • beantownbaker — January 22nd, 2014 @ 9:37 pm

      Chipotle is a flavor I’m learning to love as I use it more and more!

  2. #
    Ashley @ My Midwest Table — January 23, 2014 at 10:32 am

    Holy yum! This jam reminds me of the sauce in one of my favorite appetizers from a little restaurant in Kansas. It was raspberry chipotle sauce combined with cream cheese and black beans, and it was served warm with tortilla chips. The best!

    • beantownbaker — January 23rd, 2014 @ 2:15 pm

      Is it So Long Saloon by chance?…

      If so, check back on Tuesday…

    • beantownbaker — January 23rd, 2014 @ 2:17 pm

      BTW, I just saw in your bio that you went to Purdue – I did too! Aero engineering for me. Crazy about that shooting this week…

  3. #
    Ashley @ My Midwest Table — January 23, 2014 at 3:48 pm

    Yes, So Long Saloon! We lived in Manhattan for a few years while my husband worked on his PhD. Can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up on Tuesday!

    Goodness, what a coincidence that you are a Purdue alumna too! Yes, so crazy and so sad.

  4. #
    Shannon — January 26, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    this is definitely one i’ll need to make, great flavor combo 🙂

  5. #
    Nutmeg Nanny — February 4, 2014 at 3:38 pm

    Oh gosh, this is such a fun flavor combination 🙂 I can’t wait to try this out!

  6. #
    Jac — September 10, 2014 at 10:57 am

    I am super excited to try this recipe out. I love idea of the sweet of the fruit and the heat of the pepper. I will let you know how mine turns out.

    *I just moved to Boston which is how I found your website. I’m sorta sad that you moved back to Ohio because I would love to meet you. 😀

    • beantownbaker — September 12th, 2014 @ 10:40 pm

      Hope it turns out well for you! We love this jam. It’s really good on a breakfast sandwich.

  7. #
    MezzoBetsy — September 19, 2014 at 1:25 pm

    Oh, yum! I’m a great fan of using jams, marmalades and chutneys with meat in the crockpot or as a glaze on roasts. This would be perfect on a pork tenderloin.

  8. #
    Joy — January 9, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    how do you make it without the jam maker? I have a breadmaking machine that can make jelly, would it work about the same?

  9. #
    Lucinds — July 7, 2017 at 7:41 pm

    Are there any water bath instructions?

  10. #
    AGEN SGP RESMI — November 30, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    Thats look so delicious.. nice sharing

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