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Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Brownies

5 Pumpkin Treats That Are Sure To Please

In kitchens across the nation, when October rolls around, the pumpkin baking begins. I keep cans of pumpkin in my cabinet all year and bake with it whenever I feel up to it, but...

Homemade Pumpkin Puree

As you all know, I love pumpkin flavored anything. If you didn't know that, just check out all the pumpkin recipes I've posted since I started this blog. Normally, I'm perfectly content with just...

Pecan Pie

I think I've decided to do a "Week of" every month. I did Cupcakes back in August, Pumpkin in October, and Cranberries in November. This month, I'm doing Family Favorites. Living away from my...

Apple Cranberry Cake-Pie

I had so much fun doing my Week of Cupcakes back in August and my Week of Pumpkin in October, that I'm back for another Week of... This time I'm featuring cranberries! Until last...

Pumpkin Pie Snickerdoodle Bars

In case you haven't noticed, I've been obsessed with pumpkin this fall. I can't stop baking with it. Luckily, Hubby hasn't gotten sick of it yet. Although I doubt he'll be eating any pumpkin...

Pumpkin Spice Cookies

In case you didn't get enough pumpkin during my Week of Pumpkin, here's another recipe for you. These cookies are similar to Hubby's all time favorite cookies, but they have a subtle hint of...

Pumpkin and Chocolate Caramel Corn

Today I wrap up my Week of Pumpkin. I hope you've enjoyed your time here this week. I know I've had a blast. I can't get enough pumpkin these days. Be sure to check...

Cara’s Pumpkin Pasta

It seems like every blogger out there has made this recipe. It was only time until I made it myself. What better time to than A Week of Pumpkin to make Cara's famous Pumpkin...

Pumpkin White Chocolate Chip Bars

For my second day of a Week of Pumpkin, I bring you a classic flavor combo. These pumpkin bars originally come from a Martha Stewart recipe that uses semi-sweet chocolate chips. As I mentioned...

Pumpkin Cranberry Muffins

This week I'm going to be highlighting some pumpkin recipes. Similar to the cupcake week I did back in August, I'm kicking off A Week of Pumpkin. Be sure to check back every day...

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