30-by-30 Eleven Month Update

The end is nearly in sight… Luckily, I’ve made great progress on my list. There are a few things that probably won’t get done within the next month, but I’m ok with that. Here’s an update on how I’m doing with my list.



  • Get to my goal weight- sadly this goal is not going to be hit. I got too carried away with my baking this year and didn’t stay focused on the gym enough to make it happen. But I’ve gotten a second wind and have been working out more recently
  • Work out on a regular basis- I’m quite up to where I need to be, but I’m making progress on this goal
  • Complete the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – done!


  • Visit at least 3 new cities (1: San Francisco, CA, 2: Hershey, PA, 3: Destin, FL)
  • Pack a picnic dinner and see a movie on the Esplanade- done!
  • Go to the beach! (can you believe Hubby and I haven’t had a beach day since we moved to Boston 3 years ago) – done!
  • Go to the Cranberry Festival in October- done!
  • Take a spontanious trip with girlfriends


  • Talk to younger siblings (A and L) on a regular basis – I have been making an effort here. Luckily talking to teenagers is easy if you’re willing to text/FB chat
  • Plan/host a girls night (in or out) – done!
  • Eat lunch with my coworkers at least once a week – I’ve been doing a good job of taking time out of my busy days to eat lunch and socialize with my coworkers.
  • Meet my friend’s babies in the Midwest – done!
  • Babysit/Spoil my new nephew as much as I can – done!
  • Send birthday cards to my siblings, parents, and nephew – I only have one sibling birthday left in a couple weeks – so far, so good!
  • Plan a date-day with Hubby – Hubby and I had a great little Boston staycation a couple weeks ago.


  • Take a cooking class – done!
  • Read the photography books my dad got me – started
  • Finish all the nearly-complete kitchen projects – started
  • Fully de-clutter our place – started
  • Volunteer for something at least four times
  • Plan a Boston area food blogger event – while Cupcake Camp wasn’t a bloggers only event, I did help plan that and it was a great success! We raised over $2300 for Lovin’ Spoonfuls! And I planned an ice cream party at my house for a few bloggers. Not a huge event, but it counts! I also co-organized Bloggers Bake for Hope, which raised nearly $3000 for Komen for the Cure
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3 Responses to “30-while-30”

  1. #
    ~Bee — June 19, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    Congrats on how far you got on your list! I’m still 6 years from 30, but I feel like I should make one…

  2. #
    Dinner at Six Thirty — June 22, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    after reading your post, i’m seriously considering making an yearly list 🙂

  3. #
    Erin — June 22, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    I think your #30 should be to try out for a “Master Chef”/”Next Great Baker” type show!!!

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