Mint Chip Ice Cream

Mint chip is one of my favorite ice cream flavors. I feel like it’s often underestimated and under-appreciated. As I have stated multiple times before, chocolate and mint is one of my favorite flavor combos out there. I especially love that most mint chip ice creams have big chunks of chocolate in them, not chocolate chips. It’s a weird minor nuance, but I think it really makes mint chip ice cream special.

Mint Chip Ice Cream

I was excited to find a mint chip ice cream recipe that didn’t call for any extracts. The mint coolness in this ice cream comes from steeping the milk with fresh mint leaves then squeezing all of the liquid out of them to get a true minty experience.

Mint Chip Ice Cream

You’ll also notice that the color isn’t bright green. It does have a subtle green color but without the use of artificial coloring, you’re just not going to get a bright green color. And that’s fine by me. Everyone who tried this ice cream agreed that it was very minty. Topping a warm brownie with this ice cream made the most amazing brownie sundaes!

Mint Chip Ice Cream

One Year Ago: Peppermint Fudge Brownies
Two Years Ago: Chocolate Chocolate Muffins
Five Years Ago: Tomatoes Stuffed with Salmon Dill Dip

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Mint Chip Ice Cream


3 cups of fresh mint leaves (no stems), rinsed, drained and packed
3 cups coconut milk, divided
2/3 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
5 egg yolks
8 oz dark chocolate, chopped


Heat mint leaves and 2 cups coconut milk on the stove until just steaming (do not let boil.) Remove from heat and let stand, covered for 1 hour.

Strain the mixture into a separate bowl, pressing on the mint leaves to get out all the liquid. Return the mixture to the saucepan and add sugar and salt. Heat just until sugar has dissolved.

In a medium sized bowl, whisk egg yolks. Slowly pour heated milk mixture into egg yolks, whisking constantly. Return mixture to the saucepan.

Cook over low heat until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, about 10 minutes.

Strain though a fine mesh sieve into a large bowl. Add remaining cup of milk and stir to combine.

Place in fridge until completely cool then process according to the directions on your ice cream maker.

Stir in chocolate chunks once ice cream has formed.

Recipe adapted from The Endless Meal

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5 Responses to “Jealousy Chocolate Cherry Mini-Cupcakes”

  1. #
    Mari — August 30, 2007 at 11:43 pm

    Hi! You’ve been tagged! This means post eight things about yourself then tag eight other people.

  2. #
    Erika — August 31, 2007 at 1:31 am

    Dang it, this is the second double tag that I’ve managed to pick today! I’ll say the same thing I said to my other twice-victim… maybe one response can count twice!

    I chose you because it was cruel and unusual for your hubby to claim frozen diet meal desserts are better than your cooking, and I’m glad to hear he came to his senses. Good job baking him into the real world!

  3. #
    Martha — August 31, 2007 at 6:42 pm

    Rats, I was just coming over to tell you that you’ve been tagged. I see I’ve been beaten to the punch!

  4. #
    Lindsay — September 1, 2007 at 1:53 pm

    Man – I’ve been beaten again.
    Well – tag you’re it for the 4th time! 😉

    Those cupcakes look delish!

  5. #
    DeborahSW — September 3, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    Lol… what a funny story – how dare he! Maybe he was just trying to get you to make cupcakes! 🙂

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