Blueberry White Chocolate Cookies

It’s here – one of Hubby’s favorite times of the year – blueberry season!! We’ll be getting up bright and early tomorrow to head up north a bit to go blueberry picking. I swear Hubby eats more than he puts in the bucket, but that’s between you and me.

Blueberry White Chocolate Cookies

We’ve already been getting blueberries in our CSA box which has been awesome. Mostly, we’ve been mixing them in our yogurt for breakfast, but I wanted to bake with them too. You guys might remember that I actually don’t like raw blueberries (or cherries, or grapes). I’d much rather have those fruits in something baked.

Blueberry White Chocolate Cookies

I stumbled upon this cookie recipe and loved the idea of white chocolate and oats playing along with the blueberries in a cookie. I’ve made cookies with fresh blueberries in them before (it was a long time ago, be sure to click through to check out the pictures I took of those cookies! It’s kind of awesome to see where I started all those years ago…) I remember loving how the little berries burst in your mouth releasing their ripe juice in every bite. These cookies do the same thing and got rave reviews when I took them to a friend’s house.

Two Years Ago: Cinnamon Rolls
Three Years Ago: Homemade Vanilla Extract and Homemade Taco Seasoning
Four Years Ago: Boston Cupcake Crawl

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Blueberry White Chocolate Cookies

Yield: 2.5 dozen cookies


1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 cup rolled oats
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup white chocolate chunks
1/2 cup fresh blueberries


Preheat oven to 350F degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone baking mat and set aside.

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars together. Stir in egg and vanilla. Whip until light and fluffy.

Stir in all dry ingredients until just incorporated. Carefully stir in chocolate chunks and blueberries.

Scoop onto baking sheet and press down lightly to flatten.

Bake 7-8 minutes or until the edges are golden brown and the centers are soft, but not shiny.

Cool 5 minutes on baking sheet and then transfer to cooling rack. Serve or store in airtight container for up to 4 days.

Recipe from Lauren's Latest

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3 Responses to “Coconut Chocolate Chip Bars”

  1. #
    Nutmeg Nanny — July 10, 2013 at 11:41 am

    Yum! I love coconut 🙂 this recipe is fantastic!

  2. #
    A — April 5, 2014 at 2:40 pm

    Do these need to be stored in the fridge??

    • beantownbaker — April 16th, 2014 @ 5:56 pm

      They’re probably fine outside of the fridge. I tend to like my bars cold, so I put everything in the fridge.

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