Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing

I have been making a lot of condiments lately. They’re so simple to whip up and always taste better than their store bought counterparts. While Hubby and I usually dress our salads with the ever simple oil and vinegar, I wanted to try making some Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing.

Caesar Salad Dressing

Boy am I glad I did! This dressing has a good deal of garlic in it and the perfect amount of saltiness from the anchovies. I stored this in the fridge for a couple weeks and it held up just fine. The recipe reminds me of homemade mayo, so we even slathered it on a few sandwiches while it was in the fridge.

Caesar Salad Dressing

Once the jar was empty, Hubby started asking when I would make it again. I definitely need to do that soon because we’ve been getting romaine lettuce in our CSA box almost every week. Now I just need to make some homemade croutons to go with it!

Caesar Salad Dressing

One Year Ago: Beer and Chocolate Pairing and Giant M&M Cookies
Two Years Ago: Crockpot Ham with Beer and Chutney Glaze and Funfetti Blondies
Three Years Ago: Alton Brown’s Broiled, Butterflied Chicken

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Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing


4 cloves garlic
4 anchovy fillets
3 egg yolks
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp red-wine vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


Put the garlic, anchovies, egg yolks, and mustard in the bowl of your food processor. Process until all ingredients are pureed.

While the food processor is on, slowly drizzle in the olive oil. Once the olive oil has been fully encorporated, add the remaining ingredients. Process until smooth. Adjust seasoning to fit your tastes.

Recipe adapted from The New York Times

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16 Responses to “Blackberry Lime Curd”

  1. #
    Mal @ The Chic Geek — March 18, 2013 at 10:01 am

    How yummy, and the color is so beautiful!

    • beantownbaker — March 18th, 2013 @ 10:59 am

      Yes, I absolutely love the color of this curd!

  2. #
    Megan — March 18, 2013 at 10:41 am

    I love fruit curds. This combination sounds wonderful. I’ve been wanting to make passionfruit curd for a long time. Hopefully I will get to that soon.

    • beantownbaker — March 18th, 2013 @ 11:00 am

      The passionfruit curd is definitely my favorite of all time. It’s just such a unique flavor.

  3. #
    Ashley Bee (Quarter Life Crisis Cuisine) — March 18, 2013 at 2:16 pm

    I love lemon curd on a good fruit quickbread. I once made lemon loaf with lemon curd and it was to DIE for. How long to curds typically keep in the fridge?

    • beantownbaker — March 18th, 2013 @ 3:21 pm

      Oohhh… double lemon – sounds delicious. They never stay around very long when I make them, but I think they’d be fine in the fridge for a week or two.

  4. #
    Shannon — March 19, 2013 at 10:13 am

    this sounds delicious! I’ve got some key lime curd in my fridge, not sure what I’ll do with the last bit of it…

    • beantownbaker — March 19th, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

      Key lime curd – YUM! Did you juice them yourself? They’re so tiny.

  5. #
    Sues — March 19, 2013 at 11:21 am

    I love the idea of a blackberry lime curd… two of my favorite flavors married into curd! I love meyer lemon curd, too 🙂

    • beantownbaker — March 19th, 2013 @ 12:47 pm

      I still haven’t been able to find meyer lemons at my store. Of course, I haven’t looked too hard either…

  6. #
    Michelle — March 21, 2013 at 7:51 am

    This looks delicious! And I love anything that gives me a use for egg yolks, since I use whites so often.

    • beantownbaker — March 25th, 2013 @ 1:18 pm

      I’m the same way. I hoard recipes that take divided eggs. Now that I started making ice cream, I need more that use whites…

  7. #
    Jenny — April 2, 2013 at 3:03 pm

    If you make a cake or something with the curd in it or on it does it need to be refrigerated?

  8. #
    Emily — October 20, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    This looks amazing, but I was wondering how much it made, I have picked enough blackberries to make 3 times this. Xx

    • beantownbaker — October 23rd, 2013 @ 12:26 am

      It made probably 2.5-3 cups of curd. Hope you enjoy it!

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