Vacation Time!!

Hubby and I are off eating and drinking our way through Europe for the next two weeks! We’ve been talking about going to Europe for 4 years now and I’m so excited that the trip has finally become a reality. We’ll be starting in Amsterdam, before heading to Belgium, and rounding out our trip in Germany. I cannot tell you how excited we both are about this trip!!

So I will be out of touch for a while. But have no fear, I have some great guest posts lined up for you guys in my absence. Please make my friends feel welcome! Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!

One Year Ago: My Favorite Summer Recipes
Two Years Ago: Roasted Asparagus
Three Years Ago: Dairy Free Chocolate Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream Cupcakes and Coconut Margarita Ice Cream Cupcakes
Four Years Ago: Spinach and Artichoke Pizza, Blueberry Lemon Cookies, and Stuffed Tomatoes

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One Response to “Virtual Bake Sale for Molly”

  1. #
    Ashlee — November 4, 2010 at 1:57 pm

    Thanks for posting about it! Your brownies price shot up this morning 🙂

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