Blueberry Lemonade

I know, I know, summer is over. It’s sad. But if you want to take yourself right back to summertime, just make this blueberry lemonade. Remember when I went through that huge blueberry kick? Well, Hubby and I had picked 15 pounds of blueberries, so I was finding ways to use them left and right. I froze about half of them, so I will be making blueberry treats all year.

I just added some frozen blueberries to some freshly squeezed lemonade. As they defrosted in the lemonade, I muddled them a bit to bring out their flavor. I love the resulting color! How pretty and PINK is that?

I have to confess, that I served the blueberry lemonade with some blueberry infused vodka. To make the vodka, mixed vodka with some smashed blueberries and let them hang out together in the fridge overnight.

One Year Ago: Double Fudge Brownies
Three Years Ago: Grilled Beef Ribs

Don’t forget about my Power of Pink Challenge – make something PINK by the end of the month to raise Breast Cancer Awareness!

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Blueberry Lemonade

Yield: Serves 4


For the simple syrup
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (from about 5 lemons)
1 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup frozen blueberries


First, prepare the simple syrup by heating the sugar and water over medium heat just until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.

Pour lemon juice into a small pitcher and add 1 1/2 cups water.

Pour the simple syrup into the pitcher and stir.

Taste for sweeteness/tartness and add additional sugar or water, if desired.

Add frozen blueberries. Allow to set for a few minutes to allow blueberries to defrost. After about 5 minutes, use the back of a fork to mash up some of the blueberries in the pitcher.

Add ice to individual glasses and serve.

Recipe adapted from Confections of a Foodie Bride

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10 Responses to “Strawberry Cobbler”

  1. #
    Stephanie — May 31, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    I don’t eat strawberries but Alex does so I am looking forward to all the great recipes you’ll be sharing with us this week!

    Btw, I gave you a blog award ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. #
    We Are Not Martha — June 1, 2010 at 2:20 am

    This looks like the perfect little summer dessert ๐Ÿ™‚ I, too, am happy just popping strawberries in my mouth, but always welcome a more desserty type option. I love your little dessert cups, too!


  3. #
    kelly — June 1, 2010 at 12:20 pm


  4. #
    Elina — June 1, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    I love love love strawberries and love your idea of doing a whole week of recipes featuring them. I must stop by the farmers market on Friday to pick some up!

  5. #
    yumventures — June 1, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    I LOVE individually sized desserts! And strawberries! Looks amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. #
    Carrie — June 3, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    My husband goes Strawberry picking every year and my mom makes him Jam, I think I might have to make these for him this year too.

  7. #
    alexandjess — June 21, 2010 at 7:37 pm

    I hate to be negative, but this recipe was a little disappointing for me.
    I loved! the cobbler topping. But the filling was way too sweet. It was like eating strawberry jam straight from the jar. And I even cut the sugar down to 1/3 cup and used about 3 cups of strawberries.
    Thanks so much for sharing it though. I look forward to trying the cobbler topping with other fruit fillings.

  8. #
    Jen — June 29, 2010 at 2:19 am

    alexandjess – sorry to hear you didn’t like the fruit filling in this recipe. I wasn’t using the ripest berries when I made it. Maybe that’s why it was too sweet for you? Bummer either way ๐Ÿ™

  9. #
    Memรณria — July 4, 2010 at 4:45 am

    What a beautiful cobbler! The filling looks pretty and bright.

  10. #
    Sophia — July 6, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    Wow, great job here. Awesome picture too! You should really consider submitting this to Recipe4Living’s Fall Cobbler Recipe Contest! It looks delicious!

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