How to Peel a Peach

You know how some cooking steps just aren’t worth the hassle? Like sifting dry ingredients. In most recipes, you can just run a whisk or a fork through them and call it a day. Others, are definitely worth the extra time and effort. Seeding tomatoes for salsa is must in my book. Then there are others that are just so darn simple, there’s no reason not to do them.

Peeling peaches falls into the last category. Sometimes it’s intimidating to see that you need to do an extra step, especially if you’ve never done it before. But I’m here to show you how simple it is to peel a peach.

First, get everything ready to go. You’re going to need a bowl with some ice water, a pot of boiling water, some fresh peaches, a paring knife, and a slotted spoon.

Set the water to boil. While it is heating up, cut an “X” into the bottom of each peach with your paring knife.

Once the water is boiling, drop the peaches into the boiling water. Make sure the peaches are fully submursed in the water. Boil for about 35-45 seconds.

Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon and immediately transfer to the ice bath to prevent cooking the peaches.

Now the skin of the peaches can be peeled off with your hands.

See! Wasn’t that simple? Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what I made with my peeled peaches.

One Year Ago: Massaged Kale Salad, Goat Cheese Cake with Peach and Blueberry Topping
Two Years Ago: Blueberry Peach Muffins
Three Years Ago: Eclairs
Four Years Ago: Cilantro Turkey Burgers & Sauteed Mushrooms

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5 Responses to “Spectacular Cupcakes”

  1. #
    Arfi Binsted — March 15, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    The filling is so neat tucked in the cupcakes, Jen, that is perfect! Nice swirl you have created there, too. I am pretty sure your beloveds are spoiled!

    Thank you for your participation on Cupcakes Spectacular 2008.


  2. #
    Christina — March 15, 2008 at 3:22 pm

    Wow, those look fantastic! I love the cone method, that is something I will be trying very soon!

  3. #
    kellypea — March 16, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Hahaha! My hunkster is my primo taste tester, too! And that filling in those cupcakes is amazing. I love how perfect the frosting is. Lovely.

  4. #
    Jaime — March 18, 2008 at 1:15 am

    what a cute cupcake! i love raspberries…

  5. #
    CB — March 21, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Your cupcake has been chosen for ATC’s Weekly Cupcake Collection! Click the link to see more. Looking forward to your next cupcake creation!

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