Seven Month Update – 30 by 30

Well I’m closer to 30 than 29 these days, so I should have more than half of my list done… Yea, I’m not quite there, but hey, I’m making progress.



  • Get to my goal weight
  • Work out on a regular basis- I’ve been hitting up the new gym quite a few times this year already!
  • Complete the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – done!


  • Visit at least 3 new cities (1: San Francisco, CA, 2: Hershey, PA)
  • Pack a picnic dinner and see a movie on the Esplanade- done!
  • Go to the beach! (can you believe Hubby and I haven’t had a beach day since we moved to Boston 3 years ago) – done!
  • Go to the Cranberry Festival in October- done!
  • Take a spontanious trip with girlfriends


  • Talk to younger siblings (A and L) on a regular basis – I have been making an effort here. Luckily talking to teenagers is easy if you’re willing to text/FB chat
  • Plan/host a girls night (in or out)
  • Go visit my little brother’s college dorm room – this one can’t possibly happen since my brother only lived in his dorm 1 semester and is living in a fraternity now. I would love to go visit him in college, but I just don’t see it happening before June… I might need to update this item or replace it all together…
  • Meet my friend’s babies in the Midwest – done! – I got to meet a TON of babies when I was in Indy for Baby Wagner’s baby shower. And Hubby and I got to meet baby B and T over the holidays.
  • Babysit/Spoil my new nephew as much as I can – I’m calling this one done, but I’ll continue to spoil him as the years go on – We also spoiled him rotten by blowing our budget on his Christmas gifts.
  • Send birthday cards to my siblings, parents, and nephew – started – October kicked off the winter birthday season for us. I got cards out to my youngest sister, L, my dad, my other sister B, and my mom. That’s it for birthdays for me until April.
  • Plan a date-day with Hubby


  • Take a cooking class – done!
  • Read the photography books my dad got me – started – I started reading both the books he gave me, so that’s good!
  • Finish all the nearly-complete kitchen projects – started – I brought the paint up from the basement to do the touch ups but haven’t actually done the touching up yet…
  • Fully de-clutter our place – started – I did some MAJOR fall cleaning in our bedroom. Took everything out of the closet and my dresser. It felt good to purge some things.
  • Volunteer for something at least four times (1: volunteered to take care of the ongoing can-recycling project at work, 2: volunteered to sell pies for Pie in the Sky, 3: it hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve signed up to volunteer at an event on April 2)
  • Plan a Boston area food blogger event – started – I have an idea about this and need to get going on some planning…
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One Response to “30-by-30 Ten Month Update”

  1. #
    Elina (Healthy and Sane) — April 27, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    I’m up for making sushi sometime. I’ve done it before 🙂

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