Layered Marshmallow Brownies

These brownies are amazing. Super-sweet and fudgy and amazing. They have a layer of fudge-like brownie, topped with a layer of marshmallows, and lastly, a sweet chocolate frosting layer. I’ve seen these come up in a variety of blogs over the last year or so since they first appeared Baking Blonde’s blog almost two years ago!

I prefer my brownies nice and thick, so I decided to make the recipe in an 8×8 pan instead of the 9×13 called for in the recipe. The brownie layer did take a significantly longer amount of time to bake, but I think the outcome was worth it.

At first taste, I wasn’t completely sold on these. I had put them in the fridge to cool and after I cut them, I tasted an edge piece. They were a bit too sweet. I’m sure many of you doubt that I could ever think a dessert was too sweet, but I did. They were so sweet in fact, that I didn’t take them with me to the get together as I had planned. I left them out on the counter while I was gone and gave them another taste when I got home. The sweetness had died down, and while they are still very sweet, they weren’t too sweet anymore. So I would definitely recommend serving these at room temperature, not when they’re cold.

I cut them fairly small since they are pretty intense (16 pieces for an 8×8 pan, after trimming off the edges). I took them to work with my and my coworkers thoroughly enjoyed them.

One Year Ago: Chicken Sausage, Spinach, Tomato, and Goat Cheese Quiche
Two Years Ago: Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes with Dairy Free Mexican Hot Chocolate Frosting

Frosted Marshmallow Brownies – adapted from Baking Blonde

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5 Responses to “American Idol and Cupcake Hero collide…”

  1. #
    slush — May 21, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    Hilarious Jen! And to use one of my own recipes. Pure genius. 😛

  2. #
    CB — May 21, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    So funny! My friend said the exact same thing you did… down the david on disney! GMTA! You’ll have to update us on who wins the cupcake idol (ie which david has the least cupcakes eate LOL)

  3. #
    ~Amber~ — May 22, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    I just can not get over David A’s big cheesy grin. LOL Wonderful looking cupppy cakes.

  4. #
    Mara — May 24, 2008 at 1:29 am

    those are great!! question, how does using white wheat flour affect the cupcakes? whenever i try this with my baking it makes things so dense so i don’t bother with modifying cupcakes anymore.

  5. #
    Jen — May 24, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    The King Arthur’s white wheat flour is the only flour I use. I’ve never had a problem with it.

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