Tate’s Bakeshop Giveaway
Have you guys heard of Tate’s Bakeshop? Theyβve been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post and others as well. They sell cookies, cakes, brownies, and bars to anyone, including international addresses!
Tate’s contact me to see if I would like to try some of their cookies and their cookbook (did you see the Pecan Toffee Cookies I made from it? They’re awesome.) Hubby and I tried the cookies out once they arrived. I’m not a huge fan of crispy cookies. Never have been. But Hubby, on the other hand, loves crispy cookies. He really enjoyed these cookies. We both agreed that they really taste homemade. And they look homemade too!
Tate’s is offering a giveaway to one lucky reader with the same package they sent me – three packages of cookies, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, plus a Tate’s Bakeshop Cookbook.
Here are the rules:
– Leave a comment telling me whether you’re a crispy cookie or chewy cookie person
– For an additional entry, “Like” Tate’s on Facebook and come back here and leave another comment
– All entries must be posted by midnight (EST) on Thursday, December 16.
And there’s more!! You can get 15% off any tatesbakeshop.com purchase from now through December 31st by using the discount code “cookie” at checkout.
Good Luck!
I think the funniest episode is the turkey frying one. I love the Chewy, too π
I love the one where he makes soft pretzels – yum – and well just about every other episode I’ve seen. He’s just so fascinating!
Favorite Alton Brown recipe =
My favorite recipe is the chewy. I never did see the episode of it but i stumbled upon the recipe and I LOVE it.
My favorite is his Romancing the Turkey episode. His brining recipe is the one I used when I hosted my first ever Thanksgiving, and it was delicious!
One of the most memorable moments for me is when Alton explains why cutting on the bias for meat is important – that way, you don’t get long, chewy strands of muscle!
evitawylie at hotmail dot com
I really enjoyed the episode he did on olives, I never realized how versatile olives could be.
I used to watch Good Eats back when I had cable. There was an episode about breads and yeast that I thought was pretty interesting.
Man, I don’t think i have one favorite episode, they’re all genious.
I like all the meat related episodes, where he pulls out the diagrams of a cow or pig. Ab was the first person I ever saw actually explain where cuts of meat came from and what eat cut is good for. Fascinating stuff.
Fav episode- The cake lady. I love coconut cake!
Great giveaway! I recently made his butternut squash dumplings and really enjoyed them!
My favorite Alton recipe is for chocolate chip #10. I’ve tried the Puffy and the Chewy and they’re good, but for me #10 is the winner!
I love both Romancing the Turkey and the turkey frying episode. AB has forever changed the way we cook Thanksgiving dinner.
I love the one when he made marshmallows and made the little peeps. He makes it look so easy!
I just watched this episode last night- AB’s crawfish episode, where he does a boil and crawfish rolls. My favorite is actually the Turkey Frying episode as well, but tiny crustacean bugs gets my second vote. π I would hope his book would be as informative and interesting as Good Eats, and my hubs would DROOL over this book!!! π What a great giveaway!
-CME25 from Nest WC
I’ve actually only ever made The Chewy, so I suppose that, by default, would be my favorite of his recipes I’ve made π
My favorite episodes are the ones where the yeast puppets come out (sock puppets that do nothing but burp). LOL – they crack me up every time!!
I love so many episodes! But I really like Romancing the Bird.
Alton Brown is so much fun! Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned cook, I always learn something from his shows. I love hearing the science and “why” part of each of his recipes… it helps me know why my flops are, well, flops π
He’s the best. It’s a tough call, but “A Pie in Every Pocket,” edges out “Romancing the Bird” for my favorite.
I love any show with his puppets. My favorites are the Flaky and Tender boxing puppets from the pie crust show and the yeast sock puppets. I’m not sure why but I usually end up giggling like a 5 year old when they burp. I love AB!
I’m so addicted to Alton Brown! My favorite episode of his is “Eat This Rock” featuring an hour of salt! Who knew salt could be so interesting! And I tried the “chewy” recipe… it was a hit!
I love Alton Brown!! I don’t know about a favorite – but one I loved was when he made soft pretzels.
I loved his stuffed grilled pork chops:
I am sure it is hard to believe, but I am a somewhat new fan to Good Eats/Alton Brown. I recently saw his buttercream frosting episode and have decided to start DVR-ing all Good Eats episodes to catch up…and just an FYI…Good Eats is on A LOT!! π
My favorite Good Eats episode is the one about spuds that is the spoof of Kathy Bates from Misery!
Oh wow–I can’t even list all of my fave Good Eats episodes. I remember cupcakes, muffins, crepes, fried turkey, etc… I would *love* a signed cookbook!! I am making his fritatta tomorrow!!
My favorite episodes are “Peanut Gallery” and “Honey I Shrunk the Cake.”
I actually haven’t watched him before now, but when I read your blog about him, I started to DVR his episodes. I watched the first one this morning, it was on Pork Ribs. I think my goal for the cookbook would be to give it to my girlfriend and hope she likes some of the recipes.
My husband is a huge Good Eats fan and when I cook and have questions he always seems to reference something he saw on Good Eats. I always find that no matter what the topic, even if it’s an ingredient I don’t care for, I always take something from the show.
I love so many episodes, but my favorites are probably Fudge Factor (love the easy to make recipe for fudge in the microwave), Urban Preservation II: The Jerky, and Peanut Gallery.
I think my favorite episode is the one on water. It’s extra sciencey.
“Q” is definitely one of my favorite episodes. I love the shows that are so focused on a specific process. I built my own electric flower pot smoker like AB did, but I always end up burning out the electric hot plate required. My friends and I have joked that if I ever met Alton, the first question I would ask him would be a technical one- “Where do you get a hot plate that won’t fizzle out?”
I don’t have a favorite, but I just love how he explains in detail how to do anything and why should should do it that way. I’m so jealous you go to meet him!
The science of food is absolutely fascinating to me, every episode I learn something new!
I don’t really have a favorite, but I do know that if I am looking for a recipe his is one of my first to go. I know that a recipe I get from him is going to be great. He is such a wonderful chef and so full of knowlege. So excited you got to meet him!
I’d have to say I, of course, love them all(which is why I bought them all!) But my favorite episodes would have to be the ones about cheese.
Romancing the Bird!! Turkey has never looked so good. π
I love Alton Brown!
My fave episode is For Whom the Cheese Melts 2…I love the mac n cheese recipe!!!
I made his recipe for fried turkey last Thanksgiving and it was absolutely amazing! I plan on making it again this year. I pretty much love most of his recipes… And I love that he actually discusses the science of cooking. BIG fan!
It is so hard to pick just one episode as my favorite. I think his show format is so unique! I’m a science geek at heart and a lover of all foods. I’m not sure what I like more about his show- the science behind the food or the food itself! If I have to pick, I’d say I learned to make a mean omelette from watching him.
P.S. – I’m so jealous you met him!
AB helped me prepare my first Feast of Christmas Eve for my ILs… my very first dinner party of 25 guests. I made roast beef. I was scared out of my mind and had tivo’d the AB episode that showed me what to do. Without him, I would have been clueless. He not only showed me what to do but explained why. I.LOVE.HIM!
I use the Ultimate Nachos recipe often because I eat nachos often. Mostly I reference it just to remember what temp to set the oven at.
Oh goodness, I love Alton Brown! Several years ago when I had cable and my parents didn’t, I made a VHS tape full of episodes of Good Eats for my dad. I can’t think of a favorite episode, but I love learning the science behind the recipes. What a great giveaway!
What I love about AB is that he fills the niche of actually teaching about cooking and the “whys” to the steps in the recipe. I’m a horrible baker because I didn’t see the need in following the directions exactly, i.e. “Add in eggs one at a time, . . . but why?” He answers those questions and many more to make you feel confident about cooking. Oh, and he’s insanely funny too.
My most vivid Alton Brown memory was a few years ago when I was over at my sister’s house and we were watching an episode about beef. The show was grossing grossing my sister out. She ran to the bathroom and puked. I thought the show was fine and couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t handle it. The next day she took took a test and found out she was pg. Good times.
I would say the Omelet episode. I forget if it was Eggs or just the Omelet, but it was awesome. I could never get an omelet right before this, and even though it’s so basic, it was the technique that he used and expressed to his viewers that made this show one I never forgot. And because it’s such a classic, I’ve gotten to use it dozens of times since then.
Second favorite…the Avocado.
Ok asking us to narrow it down to 1 is tough!
So many of mine are based on HOW he tells the story.
I’m not a big fan of chili but chili with an I is a funny show that makes me want chili!
I love the potato one where he’s up in Maine with his biggest fan π
I love biscuts w/ Ma Mae, too. She’s too cute!
I could go on and on.
Thanks for the opportunity to win. Good luck everyone.
I loved the episode, “A Pie in Every Pocket,” and also got a recent idea from him to use eggplant as noodles, which I hope to try very soon!
I love the garlic related episode, but honestly, the “geekiness” of the entire show is what gets me going. I DVR it constantly, and MH loves watching it with me! Now, I just need to actually start cooking more (hint, hint, the cookbook would be perfect!)
I love his Southern Biscuit episode. He was so cute with his grandma making them side by side. I love how the biscuits taste too!!
As much as I love watching him, I don’t think I’ve ever actually made one of his recipes!! SO SAD!! I need to remedy that! As for favorite episode… ugg there are too many to choose from!! The one that sticks out in my mind right now is the banana ice cream one π too fun!
I’ve been enraptured by Alton Brown’s Good Eats since it first aired. I was 10 at the time and I just started getting into cooking. I remember getting giddy every time Good Eats was on, and ten years later, I still get butterflies whenever there’s a new episode.
My favorite episode is “Feeling Punchy.” I love all the history he adds to his recipes. AB just makes everything so interesting!
My husband LOVES Alton Brown and insists on watching just about every episode. My favorite show was the one about tamales. I Loved the Hot tamale recipe!
I love the one about ice cream, Churn Baby Churn. But every episode is great!
Alabama Alchemy from I’m Just Here for the Food is by far my favorite. Collard greens and corn bread might just be the most divine meal ever.
oooh what an AWESOME giveaway! I loved his Feasting on Asphalt episodes. I’ve only made a few of his recipes (WHY?!?!?! I have no idea), but I loved his soft pretzels.
Oh my gosh, what an awesome giveaway!!! So cool!
My favorite tip from AB is to not buy a gadget than can only be used for one thing. Saves lots of money and a smart tip!
Oh, I love Alton Brown! I just made his Blueberry Muffins the other day. My husband brought one to work for breakfast, then called me when he ate it to rave over it! That never happens! I am also super appreciative of his chicken stock recipe. Nothing feels better and more nourishing than homemade chicken stock. I <3 Alton Brown!
pancake episode. Definitely. I had never thought of making my own mix and storing it. Love alton because he explains the science of food – thus making it easier to try your own recipes. I must try this chewy you keep mentioning. =)
Favorite recent memory — grape juice commercials!
Turkey episode, definitely. I used his turkey recipe for Thanksgiving one year (the first time making it) and since then I’ve been making it every year. For that, I thank you Alton!
Ooooh, I’m so jealous!! I love Alton – even more than I love Paula, and that’s saying quite a bit π My favorite episodes are the ones featuring Southern foods – the grits and biscuit episodes are probably top of my list. Really, though, I enjoy the show no matter what he’s cooking … he is such a goof π
I don’t have a favorite, I love them all! My husband is a HUGE AB fan so I was planning to get him this book for Christmas. It would be extra special to get an autographed one!
My favorite Alton Brown tips are everything he ever recommended for apple pie. His tips transformed my father’s tasty apple pie into perfection!
What an awesome giveaway! I not only love Good Eats, but I also loved his Feasting on Asphalt shows. I don’t have a favorite episode, but I just love his stories, characters, etc. It makes it easier to learn and retain things. Oh, I did love the Christmas cookie episode with Santa, that is one that sticks out!
I love the turkey frying episode. We watch it every year at Thanksgiving. Last year we finally attempted it ourselves, using his recipe for a brine and it was delicious. I love AB!
I love the chocolate truffle episode and have used his truffle recipe for years!
i like alton brown, but it’s been a gradual thing for me. the one episode of his show that i watched was about scallops and he was on a boat. i do like his commentary on Iron Chef.
I love how he makes the science behind cooking so entertaining and easy to understand. I also love his “stand-offs” at Bed, Bath, & Beyond!
I ove teh episode thatw as just on about making corndogs. I made some myself after watching it and they were awesome!
SPAZ! I’m a huge AB fan. I love the Chewy, but I think my favorite is his soft pretzels… mmmmmm.
My favorite show was about substitutions! I substitute ingredients all the time, so that was definitely the show for me π
I just got cable and finally have been able to watch Good Eats but so far I loved the eggs episode!
I really liked the episode where he made omlets. I never knew all those things. I have now incorporated them into my omlet making and love them even more!
I think I’m going to have to go with his homemade marshmallows.
Oh, another blog I read did a series on cooking and featured a lot of AB tips, http://jenn.maruskadesign.com/category/two-spoonfuls/
I enjoy his show but don’t have a favorite bit. I would love to learn more about AB’s cooking though.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I think my favorite episode is the one with his grandmother making biscuits, but my favorite recipe is his Dutch Baby recipe.
I love the how-to and “why-this-works-this-way” sections. I think the first thing I ever saw him do was a lesson on how and why to sharpen your knives. I was hooked!
I definitely think the episode where he featured eggs was one of the most informative!
It’s not really a cooking episode, but i remember seeing a show about the behind the scenes stuff, it was so much fun!
Favorite episode would have to be on pop overs. He explains how batter works on a molecular level to create the most delectable crusty yet chewy pastry.
My hubby loves to watch AB, but never cooks. I’m hoping that if I win this copy not only will I use it, but that he will also be inspired to try cooking something other than steak or hamburgers!
Jessica E.
LOVE Alton! I make his brined roast turkey every year and am never disappointed. π
I had to make cupcakes for my friend’s wedding shower and my favorite cupcake recipe is for vanilla cupcakes. Luckily, the week before I had watched Alton Brown’s cupcake special and learned that to make chocolate cupcakes, you have to subtract the same amount of flour as how much cocoa you add to make a vanilla cupcake recipe a chocolate cupcake recipe. Had I not learned that, I would’ve just added some extra cocoa to the batter. It seems like such a no-brainer, but I never thought of it before!
I saw your giveaway on the sidebar of Sporadic Cooking and I had to come by! My husband is a die-hard AB fan–we watch him before bed every night and make almost all his recipes!
I can’t pick just one. I learn something new with every episode and my oldest son (who’s 7) loves the science of cooking angle, and my hubby just loves AB’s humor – so we end up watching Good Eats as a family.
I’ve been making AB’s pancakes for a few years now, and invite friends and family over when I do. It’s one of my daughter’s favorite things to do with her Daddy.
I have so many fave episodes, but if I have to pick just one episode it would have to be Okra-phobia.
I’ve made all the Okra recipes and AB taught me to love-me-some-okra…!
Would love to have this book signed by AB as I missed the signing in Chicago yesterday…
Thanks for this giveaway.
I’ve seen a lot of his episodes, but the one I remember the most (because I use it almost every year) is the Roast Turkey episode. My thanksgiving turkey is always wonderful because of Alton π
I love how he is against single use tools in the kitchen. I couldn’t agree more! An avocado slicer is silly… just use your knife!
I could never choose one single favorite episode, recipe, or tip – my adoration truly lies in his:
-whimsical foam models
-peculiarly groovy PJ’s
-impeccable ability to infuse each show/book/interview gloriously cheesy witticism.
Alton is the bomb diggity.
My favorite episode is the souffle episode. It taught me the importance of maintaining an even oven temperature, and how to gently “fold” ingredients together, versus just mixing them. Very helpful stuff! π
Flat is Beautiful – the pizza episode. Using sock puppets that belch and fart was epically amusing to me.
I liked a lot of his episodes…like the one where he made buttercream. I think I drooled through the whole episode.
Alton is my hero! My favorite episode would probably be either the episode about cooking oils because it was so informative and I love when he pulls the creepy guy out of the dungeon or the fried chicken episode. Fry some more!!
I would have to go with his homemade soft pretzels…I’m a sucker for soft pretzels and his recipe is the best! : )
I love the cultural Anthropologist. She’s so… real. No television shows today have people like that, smart, intelligent women who are themselves.
She doesn’t have to act like a cultural anthropologist, she just is one.
I want to meet her.
I don’t have a favorite recipe. I mostly refer to his recipes when I am trying to find a really good classic dish with a possible new twist…plus i love him on iron chef
I don’t think I’ve seen an episode that I didn’t love. He makes cooking fun, educational and just plain interesting.
I don’t just have one favorite recipe of his..I love them all! And I really enjoy watching him on Good Eats!!!
I love Alton Brown! Good Eats is my favorite show on The Food Network. I really liked his episode on cast-iron cooking, but all of his shows are super-informative, and good for a few laughs.
I’ve had the recipe for “The Chewy” bookmarked for a long time now. I really need to try them ASAP.
My favorite moments with Alton Brown have to be when he pulls down the representations of molecules like starch and pectin! And as a previous commenter said, the yeast sock puppets are adorable. As for my favorite recipe, I think it has to be his baked macaroni. So good! It’s always the little things that make the difference!
The most important/useful thing I learned from Alton is to cook and shop locally and seasonally! It’s made a bigger variety in the diets of my family and has given us a better appreciation of fresh produce.
My brother missed out on meeting Alton because he’s away at college. I think it would make an extra special birthday/Thanksgiving/Welcome Home surprise to give him this book. We’ve been watching Good Eats since the beginning.
He taught my husband and I how to cook and eat lobster! We ran right out to *practice* what we had learned! LOL
Thanks so much for sharing!!
~Lana B~
mamastamps at sbcglobal dot net
My absolute favorite has to the episode where he spoofed Sweeney Todd. Hilarious!
The Chewy is one of the best. I also like his recipe for guacamole.
I can’t help but love the episode with his biggest fan, the creepy stalker-ish lady. It’s insanely hilarious. I also love the episode where he builds a contraption with which to fry a turkey. He is pretty much the most amazing person ever, haha. π
AB’s french toast has changed the way we look at french toast… it’s all about the oven
I love AB! I am of course drawing a blank on my favorite eposide but I am making his pork wellington tomorrow and I can’t wait!
We LOVE AB’s Pork Rib recipe… we watch him whenever he’s on! YAY!
I absolutely love AB and Good Eats. My favorite episode is the one where he talks about how to make a Thanksgiving turkey and dresses like a pilgrim π Lots of great tips that I hope to use this year.
My favorite is Fry Hard II: The Chicken, if only for the homage to The Raven in the beginning.
I think my favorite episode is the new ‘Man’s Breakfast” show, with the coffee, bacon, hashbrowns, & eggs. Too funny. Love the ‘treatment’. π AB rules!
I enjoyed the cookie show as well; my favorite is the puffy!
I enjoy all Alton Brown’s shows! And as I said yesterday everytime I go to Harrys Farmers Market or Whole Foods here in Marietta I have my eyes big just incase I see him.
My fav episode is the one where he was teaching how to split layers and score a cake. Very insightful and humorous as Alton can be.
We enjoy ALL the episodes. My kids watch and like to try the things he makes because his explanation makes them easy enough for them to try (6, 8, 9 & 12-yrs old). They really enjoy the Parsnip Chips and the Pearsnip Sauce. My favorites are too numerous to list, but the Chips episode is the most usefull for us…NOW we know how to convert a recipe to make the Crispy, the Soft and the Chewy. I love what I learn after over 70 years of cooking.
I love the garlic episode with the vampire!
Without a doubt, Romancing the Bird. This was the episode that started the whole thing for my family! I made the turkey derrick and the whole nine yards. Since then it’s been one great AB recipe after the other. Never did get a photo of that yeti, though…
My husband and I LOVE AB!! I am so jealous you met him, and I wish I knew he was coming, we would have gone to meet him too!
A funny memory relating to AB is last Thanksgiving, after watching the turkey episode, we went to the ILs for dinner. My husband’s uncle started to prepare the turkey for eating after taking it out of the oven, and we commented on seeing AB’s show, and he said I just watched that too and I’m trying his tricks! We thought it was so funny that we all had watched it and he was now trying it.
The first good eats episode I ever saw was the okra episode, and I’ve been hooked ever since! The idea that someone was incorporating costumed-men and goofy skits into a cooking show completely blew my mind (in a good way.)
My husband and I love Alton Brown. We have the episode called “The Big Chili” saved on our DVR. It is hilarious. But I think our favorite recipe is for his popovers. So good and they work every time.
My husband is a big AB fan. If I won, I would probably save this as a Christmas gift π I love Alton’s chewy and I am planning on trying to make his pretzels soon.
wow, how cool! my dad would love this book, even if he didn’t get to meet Alton Brown. π i don’t catch his show very often, but i’d love to be able to learn to cook more efficiently and with more knowledge about the process and how different things effect the outcome. thanks for the contest!
I’m a big fan of the episode “The Dough Also Rises” (at least I believe that’s what it’s called). I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with yeast. I love baking bread, but hate how sometimes my dough doesn’t rise the way it should. This tip about putting the dough in a warmed (then turned off oven) proved to be very useful! π
I hope to learn some new recipes from this cookbook, like Alton Brown’s style of cooking. And using different spices and flavors I would have not thought to use.
i love love love the christmas cookie episode!
I would not have remembered the name, but I too like the chocolate chip cookie episode, I liked him baking and taking the cookies all over the place for his sister…
I love love love alton brown … and as for a favorite epsiode .. i couldnt pick one i love them all …. but i can narrow a few down .. i love the cookie one with all the different types of cookies and how i can now make my perfect cookie …his ginger show … yummm ….. i love his magnetic organization and he is my FAVORITE!!!!
I love love love alton brown … and as for a favorite epsiode .. i couldnt pick one i love them all …. but i can narrow a few down .. i love the cookie one with all the different types of cookies and how i can now make my perfect cookie …his ginger show … yummm ….. i love his magnetic organization and he is my FAVORITE!!!!
My favorite tip is to preheat the oven to 15 degrees less than the cooking temperature when making muffins, and then turn the temp up when you put the muffins in the oven. Never would have thought to do that!
i love watching his diagrams and humor and also watching him narrate on Iron Chef & next iron chef
I like when his “nephew” is on and he is teaching him to cook and his “sister” keeps popping in and freaking out.
I can’t pick a favorite episode, theyre all so great. I’ve actually met him once before right after Iron Chef America became popular, he was really hilarious.
I remember him telling everyone at the Q&A about the only time he cut himself while cooking. (he put his hand into a bag or something and a boning knife went thru his finger) ouch.
Then my mom asked him what his advice for an aspiring young chef would be and he said, “Get good shoes!” π
My favorite episodes would be where the little Alton Brown lookalike comes on and they cook together. The one that I can remember off the top of my head is where they are making sandwiches and they use a frying pan filled with cans to make paninis.
How generous of you to give out a book!
I think I liked his episode on rice the best, just because I learned so much from it.
One my favorite recipes is for his tofu chocolate cream pie – I’m lactose intolerant so this was a wonderful treat. I also loved his garlic episode with the vampire – he is so goofy! I would love to have this book!!!
Love Alton Brown! My favorite shows are his special “Feasting” series…Loved last years Feasting on Waves. Made me want to be there.
I loved when he showed how to make your own Dutch Baby pancake at home. the jokes were pretty funny in that episode too.
How can you not love Romancing the Bird….
and I do love a good turkey.
my fave episode was the one about the search for the elusive cake lady. AB wanted to make the best coconut cake ever and hunted down an official cake lady to get her recipe. loved it!
I’ve loved AB since I started watching when I was 12 (when it started in ’99!). He’s who got me into cooking in the first place. My favorite episode, hands down, has to be “Squid Pro Quo”.
Of course I will watch anything and everything with him in it. I even get excited when the Welch’s grape juice commercial comes on!
I swear Alton Brown taught me way more about cooking than I learned in culinary school. I went in and was like, “Well, I learned that on Good Eats last year!” I would loooove to have gotten to see him!
What a difficult question! Chips for Sister Martha is so good. I’m a chewy, too. I think one of my favorite Good Eats episodes is Apple of My Pie.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AB’s Chewy Chocolate chip cookie recipe. I adapt it and use browned butter and put in white chocolate, orange zest and dried cranberries. soo good.
I taught my boyfriend how to cook by watching good eats together π
The entire squid bit…the beach, the method, everything…
Explaining how to determine how much capsaicin is in a pepper with help of his willing subject.
I love Alton Brown too! I read your entire write up and really enjoyed it.
I make my kids watch Good Eats because they learn so much – he makes everything so fascinating.
It’s hard to narrow one episode down, but one of my favorite recipes of his are crepes. They turn out perfectly every single time.
I love the rice episode – I mean wow, a thing that is more genetically complex than me should have its own show…
close second – him squeezing a store bought “tomato” in a vice. It took like 40lbs of pressure before it split. best visual I’ve seen EVER for local and mindfully grown produce!
I don’t have a favorite but I seem to understand why something I cook works or doesn’t when or as I watch his shows. The last one I saw was on salt and that was fascinating. If I only knew cookery is truly chemistry WHEN I suffered through college chemistry, I would have done so much better.
Viva la Snark!
My favorite recipe is raised yeast doughnuts. YUM!
AB is my kitchen muse. My favorite thing is “I’m Just Here for More Food, which, for me, blew away the line between the technique-driven art of cooking and the precise science of baking.
Tomorrow, I’m making his breakfast sausage for my wife’s birthday brunch. AB rocks!
Oh wow, my husband and I LOVE Alton Brown!!! Even my 6 year old daughter loves to watch Good Eats. She loves the omelet episode. My husband makes his everyday bread recipe in “I’m Just Here for More Food” often. His books are so informative and the show is so witty. It’s definitely in a class of its own.
Thank you for offering this giveaway!
And the Chips for Sister episode is so good! I love them all.
Cuckoo for Coq au Vin is one of my new favorites…but mostly becaue I think the name is great!
I don’t know I have a specific memory/moment that I cherish about Alton, but I will say that I love how he is so adventurous in how he tells the viewer simple things. (i.e. costumes, cheesy actors, etc.)
I feel like he would be a great kindergarden teacher.
He’s brilliant though, and I would love this book!
What an idea to ship cupcakes to loved ones for birthdays. I am definitely going to try this for my son and my sister.
My favorite epi was when he was kidnapped after his car broke down and had to make all kinds of potato dishes all night long. Funny!
I love his cinnamon roll and baklava recipe! These are always crowd-pleasers. I love how AB always has fascinating tips.. like how to make rose water. π
i’m in love with his cherry couscous pudding recipe. AMAZING. the episode is hilarious too! honestly, i have yet to find even one AB recipe or tip that hasn’t worked for me. i’m dying to read his book!
I love Alton Brown’s chewy chocolate chip cookie. I love how he gives reasons/facts/trivia about food. You always learn something new when you watch his show.
Oh bother, I love Alton Brown. I have a thing for smarty pants boys. He just doesn’t rattle off recipes he educates you. I like that about him. I have already told my husband that I will not be responsible for my actions if I ever get to meet him. One of my favorite Alton-isms is when he talks about “club hand”. I just can not choose one favorite episode.
thanks, he’s funny. i like his commentary for iron chef america, esp when it was rachel vs giada. looking forward to trying his recipes!
I have always enjoyed Mr.Brown. I have made several of his recipes that two are repeated often are his Cocoa Brownies and Oven Baked Brown Rice. I have to say he made me a brown rice convert. I had no idea how much flavor it has till I fixed his recipe.
OH, My,Gosh!
I luv Alton Brown. I have watching his show ever since I was nine (I am now nineteen).
What a cool give away, i love his shows, especilly Good Eats, he is such a great teacher!
my favorites would havee to be the chocolate episode and the egg episode, but really I love them all!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I love Good Eats and have a cook’s crush on AB. Of all the episodes, I use the biscuit recipe and coffee brewing tips the most.
My favorite episode is definitely Oat Cuisine. Oatmeal is a staple in my house, so to have an entire episode of Good Eats devoted to it is like dying and going to heaven.
Dr. Strangeloaf by far. Science plus puppets.
Scrap Iron Chef is the best episode ever, because who doesn’t love bacon?
I love Alton Brown! I love how his show combines science and cooking/baking to show how and why it works. I always enjoy his shows, but my favorites are the cookie episode (of course! and I always remember to take my cookies out of the oven BEFORE they look done!) and the ones he’s done about brewing coffee (because I’m a coffee fanatic!). Thanks for this super awesome giveaway, I’m crossing my fingers for myself! π
I love them all, but Romancing the Bird is a classic and a Thanksgiving must-see!
Woot Alton! honestly they are all favorites, but meeting his nana has to be one of the best
I love the turkey fryer episode. AB is so creative in making alternative cooking vessels
I’m a fan of Alton Brown, and while I couldn’t name a favorite recipe or episode (I love them all!), I especially love his soup recipes.
Jen, my favorite recipe is the Chewy, because if it is your favorite, it is mine also.
I love LOVE LOVE his creme brulee! YUM!! π
Definitely Alton’s Dutch Baby recipe. I make one about every week or so. The skit was great too!
I like the episode where Alton throws the skirt steak directly onto the coals and cooks it in two minutes!
My favorite memory was the part with the yeast puppets jumping into the bowl of water. That’s what got me hooked on the show, it was so random!
My favorite AB moment is really, really hard to choose. I would have to say its a toss-up between the Down and Out In Paradise episode,the turkey frying episode, or the different times I’ve tried several of his recipies. I love Good Eats π
My favorite episode is the original “Man Food” because my then-boyfriend (now husband) had it on when I came in half-way through. I thought Alton was incredibly clever– and a little snarky– an absolute win. We met him in DC a few years back (Feb 2005 I think?) and asked him about the Food Network Thanksgiving special: how did he get the honor of making the main dish (the turkey)? And he responded, “I’ve eaten Emeril’s turkey…” *swoooooon*
My favorite episode is Tender is the Loin. I liked the detail in how to process a whole tenderloin.
Ive been watching for years…my favorite tip and most financially smart one was the ceramic smoker. It works great and is so much cheaper than purchasing a smoker…the funniest one i think is the most recent christmas episode! there are so many more funny moments such as his dress up skits.
My favorite AB memories are getting a chance to meet Alton as the Food Network Southern Food and Wine Festival in Nashville in 2009. I also celebrated his 10th birthday by making all 3 cookie recipes from the chocolate chip cookie show. I also had friends over for an AB breakfast where I made breakfast recipes from AB.
I remember the first time I didn’t flip past his show. I was always a little confused by his show, and thought it was just SO simple (being the food snob that I am). The first episode I watched in its entirety was the sawmill gravy episode, and I was completely hooked. From then on, I’ve known how to make gravy (including the most decadent vegetarian sausage gravy) without ever consulting recipes. That’s the magic of Alton, isn’t it? He doesn’t teach you to follow recipes, he teaches you how to COOK.
I love AB’s Peanut Butter Fudge recipe. So easy in the microwave and everyone always wants the recipe for it.
There isn’t one specific episode that I love but what I enjoy most is the fact that he integrates chemistry into his cooking. For me, that inspires me to want to make things and experiment with food. It also makes me think more about the process of cooking and what happens. From the book I would hope to gain more information on that part of cooking.
Alton Brown has also been the inspiration for my friends to sit down and have a dinner together with each of us bringing different recipes (many which are Alton Brown’s) – this is something that brings us closer together and let’s us try new foods. Another thing that I would hope to gain from this.
I love the one where he does a spin off of the iron chef set in a junkyard. Love this guy! Enjoy the way he explains things and the how and why of how things work! Laughter in the kitchen makes everything taste better.
I LOVE Alton Brown! Whenever he’s on TV I grab my boyfriend and we sit there highly amused and interested by all his little factual tidbits. I really enjoy every episode, but my favorites are the ones I can readily apply to my everyday cooking, such as the famous chocolate chip episode. π
Boston girl here!
I would NEVER be able to choose one episode as a favorite. Alton Brown is my absolute favorite. I utilize his marinade techniques all the time, love the crepes episode, love the cupcake episode, I just love love love.
I would <3 this cookbook!
my favorite episode was about the different types of ice cream, gelato, etc. it made me want to make my own ice cream!
The funniest episode was the one where he made marshmallows. He dressed up as Colonel Sanders and made ambrosia. My husband and I watched that part twice because we thought it was so hilarious. Just thinking about it makes me want to watch it again!
I love ’em all…but I was really happy when he did American Pickle and Jam Session…showing us how to make things that people used to make at home all the time rather than buying them…and they taste sooooooo much better homemade!
I don’t have a fave from AB. I love all of his episodes of Good Eats. It’s my favorite food show!
I absolutely love AB specifically for his chemically-intensive introductions to both rice cooking and baking among many other things. The fight between rice and the spoon in making risotto made me laugh, and it’s because of him I know about amylopectin and amylose.
This Supds for You Too is my favorite episode but I love them all. I heart Alton!
Asking for just 1 favorite Good Eats ep? Man, that’s too hard. I guess I’ll go with Scrap Iron Chef: Bacon Challenge because it was cool to see him use all the junkyard stuff to cook; kinda a break from the norm of the kitchen.
Three chips for sister marsha all the way. It launched on my cookie making adventures!
My favorite good eats memory is by far the cutting board blues jam with AB on harmonica.
Alton Brown taught me how to make a good cup of tea. I’m a huge fan of loose-leaf tea, but Alton Brown was responsible for refining my method–he informed me that I should just let the tea leaves float freely in the pot before straining instead of fiddling with those little mesh baskets that fit into the teapot, and my tea has been much better ever since.
I really liked the brewing beer episode, mmmmmh beeeer !!
I love the turkey episode where he gave us his brine recipe. I have used this recipe every time I’ve done a turkey, and it ALWAYS comes out fantastic. If you want a great turkey, BRINE IT the AB way.
He’s added amazing production values to cooking shows. Nearly everything he’s done is great. My personal favorite has to be the man food show and sliders!
I’m a big fan of the episode when he makes Gyros on his grill! I also adore anytime he has the food anthropologist on – she’s wonderful!
No unitaskers – well, except one. That’s my biggest takeaway.
I use his paper bag with staples microwave popcorn hack all the time.
Favorite show is the Man Food Show. My boys and I have watched it so many times. They loved the segments after the commercials. We also made the corn dogs outside for all their cousins. Great time!
I love AB. Much to my husband’s dismay, he is my man crush. Partly because I love his show and partly because his brined turkey recipe made me a star last Thanksgiving.
I am crazy about the man!! I loved the “Let Them Eat Foam” episode…
The best episode EVER – is the one spoofing Iron Chef, where he makes bacon in the junkyard.
I love the entire cheesecake episode. Besides loving cheesecake, it’s the good ol’ days of silly science and Elvis is an alien jokes.
I think my favorite episode is the brewing beer episode, I really enjoyed how the episode played out. As to my favorite recipe, it’s probably the macaroni and cheese recipe
It’s so hard to pick a favorite…but right now I’m craving steak, and his t-bone recipe (stove-top to oven) is absolutely fantastically good eats.
For me, the first “Good Eats” episode that comes to mind was a Junkyard Wars ripoff, making either bacon or ham (I forget which) by building smokers from old school lockers and whatever other scrap he could find, battling against a little old granny that kept cheating.
My favorite was episode – shell game IV – about scallops! Everything looked so tasty I had to try them out at a restaurant first to “see how they should taste like” and on my second try, I found out I was allergic to them. Aha, not good eats. But my fav Good Eats Episode next to the haggis recipe, I totally wouldn’t eat haggis… but it was just so funny I was laughing out loud the entire time!
My favorite Alton tip is that when washing herbs you need at least 5″ of water for the dirt to settle on the bottom of the container where it will stay unless, of course, you stir it back up.
i liked the peppercorn episode
My favorite recipe is the upside down corn grit pineapple cake. I do love the Chips for Sister Marsha also though, my favorite cookie recipe.
My favorite one has got to be the beer brewing one. He makes me so happy when I watch his show.
I love Alton Brown. I don’t think I could pick a favorite episode because each one I see becomes my new favorite.
love the soft pretzel episode
I love everything Alton does, I’ve learned so much from him and he is a lot of fun. My favorite is the Dining on Asphalt, being over the road truck drivers and motorcycle enthusiasts. I hated to see Alton get hurt, but I thought it was neat that they incorporated that into the show. I hope they do another season!
“What’s Up, Duck?” gave me the courage to cook duck @ home…and my family LOVED it!
My favorite AB tip was using Dr. Pepper for baking a ham! Wow, did that ever turn out good. The sweet/salty conbo was perfect.
My favorite episode is the one where he taught us how to make bacon!
Love ’em all.
Just watched the Southern biscuit episode the other day. Got up right after and went to the store, bought flour and made biscuits. My Texas GF whipped up some white pepper gravy and we were happy campers.
The Fried Chicken episode is the first one I remember watching and I was hooked by the time it was over. I also wanted some fried chicken.
Thanks for the giveaway.
bret1t at gmail dot com
My favorite episode is the take-off on Misery with all the potato recipes. Alton’s book would become my go-to book on how to do, well….everything.
My favorite recipe is the take-off on Misery with all the potato recipes. I would learn so much from Alton’s book. It would become my go-to resource for, well… everything!!
I’d have to say that my favorite episode of Good Eats is the Vanilla one. I think this because it was the first Good Eats episode I ever saw, and you never forget your first π
Alton is the personal hero of my husband. I also love him, but I know that my love does not compare to that of my dear hubbie.
Our favorite Alton recipe is his baked “boiled” eggs. Every time I read the recipe I can’t believe it, but it is true.
Cold eggs in a cold oven straight on the rack.
Turn the oven to 325F and the timer for 30 minutes
Immediately plunge in ice water.
Incredibly creamy eggs – especially the yokes. And for some reason it just seems so much easier than boiling.
Pancake episode
I love any of the shows with BA and Alton,I think they are very clever…
Awesome giveaway! I love Alton! I have so many favorite episodes I’m not sure I can choose just one. I’m a big fan of the cinnamon roll episode.
You are so lucky to have met AB!
When I was a wee lass of 12 ten years ago, I would only watch Food Network for AB, Emeril and Iron Chef, SciFi, and Discovery.
My favorite episode is Scrap Iron Chef where Alton made Bacon Junkyard Wars style! How ironic he ended up hosting Iron Chef America!
My favorite recipe, as much as I love The Chewy and AB’s Soft Pretzels, my favorite recipe is his Overnight Cinnamon Rolls. A breeze to make the night before and pop in the oven in the morning. I always make them when I have people over.
I’m always making Alton’s recipes. My boyfriend is currently in love with his curried mango pocket pie filling. He also loves AB’s chicken pot pie. I make his recipe’s so much my college roommates bought a sign for our kitchen that says “Good Eats Served Here”
What I love about Alton Brown is that he’s as good a teacher as he is a chef. His demonstrations and learning devices are so clever.
I’ll never forget the episode about fudge.. I learned more about candy making in 30 minutes from him that I did in the previous ten years of my candy making life!
I love the episode about pizza. I use his pizza dough recipe every time.
I LOVE Alton Brown! In fact, I used to watch his shows so much that my then 2 year old daughter called him “Uncle Brown” (only because she couldn’t pronounce Alton). She’s 5 now but still calls him Uncle Brown.
I like when his sister comes to discuss cookies with him…very silly, very funny!
I LOVE all of his recipes, but I really love the one where he makes spareribs! I love spareribs and am always looking for a new method, but I’m pretty sure I’ve found my favorite.
I LOVE all of his recipes, but I really love the one where he makes spareribs! I love spareribs and am always looking for a new method, but I’m pretty sure I’ve found my favorite.
I like the one about hamburgers, I don’t know what it’s called though.
I LOVE Alton Brown and Good Eats! The show is so funny, and I always learn something. One of my favorite recipes from Good Eats is Cocoa Syrup. It’s quick, easy, and tastes great on ice cream.
I love the episode where he teaches his “nephew” to cook and his “sister” keeps freaking out and interrupting.
Its hard to just pick one episode. I like them all but my favorite Alton Brown moment was when he was on Jimmy Fallon and they made the carbonated smoothies.
There are so many awesome episodes! My all time favorite one though is the wonderous waffles b/c theere were like 4 great waffle recipes. great giveaway!!
paislie98 at hotmail dot com
My fav. episode is the Thanksgiving special and the Turkey frying one. Yes, it’s two but they are kind of the same thing. I just love how AB is AB with the turkey. He debunks everything and makes a great meal!
The STEAK episode!!! It has revolutionized steak in our house! LOL! I have the picture of the cow all parted out hanging on our fridge! I downloaded it from the AB website and colored it and mounted it and everything! LOL! We are HUGE AB fans around here!!! I wish I had known about this event because I SO would have been there!
My favorite episode is “Coconut Cake Revival” when the cakes are ready to be frosted and he takes off the parchment paper and says, “Don’t leave that on -licks-…Ever.”
I love Alton Brown! I have a hard time choosing just one episode that I love, but I think my favorite was the one on yeast with the burping sock puppets…hilarious and informative!
I love the bread and yeast shows also! I used it to explain to my son’s fourth grade class why their bread rose, yeast farts, yummy! We also love the scrap Iron Chef episode, his bacon brine is our go-to recipe every fall.
I can’t single it out to just one (or even two). I adore AB, totally and utterly. He is quirky, all-food-knowing, and just so darn funny!
It is hard to pick just one. We love the chewy and the baked meatballs. I learned so much from the episode where he cuts a part a whole chicken (with the dino-cam). And it is the only cooking show my husband likes to watch as much as me!
I couldn’t pick a favorite Good Eats episode, but I do love his commentary on Iron Chef America.
My favorite is his soft pretzals although I haven’t found the recipe since. He taught me how to keep my bread dough in my bowl. Love it!
I love Alton Brown too….I think it was the pancake one or the one with mac and cheese with his nephew that I liked the most.
Omgiod. I looove AB! You’re so luck! π I’ve watched every episode. He is what got me through college and is now helping me survive grad school!
My favorite would have to be the Sheperd’s Pie episode! Or the Chili one. Mmm! Funny, and delicious!
My favorite episode has to be the Broccoli episode! Learning how to cook broccoli properly is so important, and it makes it so awesome to eat!
What a wonderful giveaway. I must say I love the chili episode the best. It’s the first episode I ever watched, and I thought it was odd at the time…but he grew on me like a fungus.
So cool you got to meet him! Thanks for this!
For whom the cheese melts, great give away.
I just like the science behind his shows but I like the vanilla bean episode…So much knowledge there.
I always think of the fried chicken episode. Classic Alton filled with great tips!
I like AB on Iron Chef! He’s so crazy knowledgeable.
Tender is the Loin 1 is my favorite episode, especially the Steak au Poivre recipe. But then again, I love anything AB puts together.
I am a foodie but my scientist boyfriend finds cooking to be a chore. To get him to help more in the kitchen, I searched the Good Eats Fan Page and found episodes featuring his favorite dishes. Then I made sure he was around when I played those episodes on my computer, knowing the food AND the science would peak his curiosity. Now he loves Alton almost as much as I do, and we cook alot of Good Eats together!
we love the chewy cookie recipe in our house!!! oh how we LOVE alton brown in our home!
Alton Brown is one of the few to reach the coveted status of my “TV boyfriend”. The title is shared between him and Anthony Bourdain.
I love the avocado episode, where he uses it to make cake frosting. I also have come to disdain kitchen “unitaskers” thanks to AB.
The Haggish clip for sure!
I’ve only seen AB’s clips on Hulu but I’ve tried “The Chewy” and “The Puffy.”
For my favorite I think I have to go with “Steak Your Claim”. This episode introduced us to a quirky yet lovable nerd-chef who would in the following years solidify a place in our hearts and kitchens. With his band of characters, both real and fictitious he has provided us with an incredible wealth of knowledge from culinary history, to breaking down the science of foods and cooking to dissecting the various tools and showing us how to make them when applicable.
So I can see no better episode than that which introduced us to this crafty culinarian which seemed to spring up not from the CIA but out of the Footlights Revue.
I love Good Eats! I’ve tested out a few recipes and they’ve turned out great. During this cooler weather I’ve been making the steel cut oats. Love the multi-tasking tools.
Ok. I have never watched Good Eats or tried any of Alton Brown’s recipes. So, I went and watched a few videos, and I think I’m in love! I want to make Dulce de Leche.
I’m trying to remember my favorite episode but there are so many. I just find them all entertaining! My favorite go-to recipes are for the Chewy and Overnight Cinnamon Rolls.
I LOVE Alton Brown!!! My most memorable Alton recipe is from his original Thanksgiving episode. I was about 23, had a new baby, new home and hosting Thanksgiving for the 1st time…. for 22 people. I was scared. I taped the episode and followed his Brined Turkey recipe to a “T”. It was AMAZING!! And to this day, it is still what my family asks for every year… π
I don’t know what episode title it was but I LOVE Alton Brown’s overnight cinnamon rolls. They are now my go-to cinnamon roll recipe for every brunch!
Yum! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/knead-not-sourdough-recipe/index.html
I really enjoy the episode where he bakes cupcakes in actual cups- who knew!
I love “In the Bulb of the Night” Vlad and W are hilarious + great recipes & tool tips. The man does it all!
ooh, alton brown!! i love everything i learn from him π
his peach upside down cakes were fab!! although i’ve never tried anything i didn’t like π
My favorite episode of Good Eats is the biscuit making one. I love his interactions with his grandmother (who is his real grandmother!) and he makes biscuit making seem so simple!
My favorite episode is A Chuck for Chuck. It makes me laugh every time I watch it, and its great for cheering me up. I really wanted to see Alton when he was in Chicago recently, because that’s closest to where I live, but I wasn’t able to get there. Hopefully I get lucky this time.
It’s hard to pick one favorite episode…they are all great! I like the sushi one because I’ve always wanted to make my own. Great giveaway!
My husband and I love Alton Brown! We especially liked the chicken wings episode where he used a steamer to make them. mmmmm!
My husband and I love Alton Brown! We especially liked the chicken wings episode where he used a steamer to make them. mmmmm!
I don’t know the name of my Fav episode but it was the one that he talks about how to make an omelette. I love omelettes and learned the proper way to make them!
HAGGIS! I loved that show. I agree with Alton it is my favorite. Hardly ever see it in rerun but it’s a gas.
I also like the pretzel show. Didn’t think I could make good pretzels at home but following his recipe it’s actually easy.
My favorite episodes are the Dr Pepper Ham (country ham ) and the bananas foster. But what’s even better is the interest in cooking my son has since watching Alton Brown. He makes it fun and interesting.
My two favorite Alton Brown methods are for a pan-seared ribeye and baked brown rice. Mmm.
My favorite episode is the “biscuits with Ma Mae”. I met AB a few years ago at a signing and I thanked him for sharing his grandmother with me. I told him I had a Grandma Mae but she and I never got the chance to cook together.
After I left the booksigning I felt so completely dorky for tearing up when I met AB. He was patient with me. I was completely nonplussed by the attention and eye contact. He was not only signing books, he was “present and accounted for”! π
I still feel embarassed and dorky when I think about it though! I’m still working on perfecting my “biscuit groove”. Each time I put a thumbprint in the top before I bake them, I think of AB & his “Ma Mae” and I smile.
Amber waves of grain…the beer brewing episode. I remember first hearing about Alton in Wired Magazine several years ago. He was being described as Mr. Wizard meets Julia Childs and MacGyver. Brilliant
My favorite Alton Brown recipe is his Chocolate Chip Cookies. I love chocolate chip cookies, especially his!!
I love AB! I have learned so much from his shows. The first episode that comes to mind is the classic, Chips for Sister Martha!
My first ever for reals reals cooking project was his recipe for potstickers. Its pretty much responsible for me getting into food as much as I have. I owe that kat a lot.
I’ve been a fan for years and years, I love the fact that he’s a cross between Julia Child and MacGyver!! My fave recipe is his homemade fudge, totally awesome.
I loved his biscuit episode. If only I could remember how to make is granny’s biscuits!
My favorite episode is the Man Food episode, when Alton urges the men to get their wives away from the tv, charging that he’ll be teaching the husbands how to make a delightful breakfast for wifey, when really he teaches corndogs and fried things.
I have been away on vacation and when I saw you were doing this giveaway I about freaked! First I’m so jealous you got to meet AB….that is dream of mine. Second I’m almost giddy in excitement that I might win this totally awesome prize. I have my fingers and toes crossed!!! Now my favorite episode of Good Eats is where he makes pickles. Since watching that episode my boyfriend and I have perfect the art:)
I liked the one where he talked about different nut butters, mainly because I like making almond and pecan butter. Yummy!
My favorite recipe is the chocolate-dipped macaroons. Yum!
My favorite episode was when Alton Brown showed how to cook Ahi Tuna on the chimney charcoal starter. It works out perfectly every time.
Favorite thing about AB is that he’s funny besides teaching something in the kitchen. For some reason, I made his Chewy CCC and it didn’t turn out great–but your blog is encouraging me to make it again. And I’m gonna.
We love his jerky making eposide about air drying instead of heat drying. My husband loves jerky!
Oh, I just love AB!! He’s such a talented chef, and the insight he provides behind each ingredient and recipe is what makes him, and Good Eats, a perfect cooking show!
I love all his baked goodies!!:)
The chewy is my favorite!
The Misery episode about potatoes is genius…and the popover episode really changed the way I thought about baked goods.
The one that comes to my mind right now is the potato episode with the creepy fan lady. Mostly, Alton Brown is my hero because he makes science accessible! I was lucky enough to see him speak at an Institute of Food Technologists convention, and he is really, truly awesome.
I love the fact that AB had a beer episode on food network. That was so ballsy! He motivated me to try homebrew.
steven.pirrello (at) gmail (dot) com
I have always loved his mixture of science, food and sense of humor when applied to cooking. My favorite episode, so far, is when he showed how to make a guerilla-styled smoker in the backyard. I actually went out and bought all the components, but have yet to find a good time to build it.
my favorite episode is the first one I ever saw, A Bowl of Onion. Alton is dressed up in this onion costume that was hilarious. I was hooked immediately. I guess you could say that he had me at onion.
The Egg Files! Alton has a wonderful way of showing an entire spectrum of possibilities in 25 min (unless it’s 2-parter) Whether it’s creating a simple breakfast or an impressive souffle Alton rocks and has taught me so much!
My favorite is the Lentil Soup. It’s to die for!
It’s so hard to pick just one episode/recipe but I did really love the one on pretzels. And the recipe was so good!
I think the episode with his grandmother where they are making biscuits is the cutest! but I like them all.
I love the episode on cuts of beef! It makes it so easy to understand, and makes me want to run right out and find a reputable butcher immediately!
Last year my family decided to have Thanksgiving Dinner at my house. I had never before even cooked a turkey. I remember one night I was watching the FoodNetwork and Alton Brown was doing a “Dos and Don’ts” of cooking a turkey. He said that the best way to cook a turkey is to brine it. I followed his recipe and the turkey turned out so moist and delicious. I know this is how I will always cook turkey.
I love Alton Brown! I think my favorite episode might be the two back to back ice-cream episodes my husband got sucked into. We learned SO much and our ice cream stays much fresher now!
That is SO NEAT that you got to meet him! π
I LOVE Alton!!!!!!!! My favorite episode is where he makes Creme Brulee. A favorite of mine that I make for my friends. It definitely has a “wow” factor!
I don’t have a favorite episode, but what I really love about him is he inspires me to learn more about the actual ingredients themselves. Cooking is so much easier/interesting when you know different things about your ingredients and how they grow, how best to store them, etc. And he’s funny. π
I love the episode “The Egg Files.” My husband likes his eggs over easy, and Alton helped me accomplish this. Before, I had only ever scrambled them for breakfast. Seems silly, but it helped.
My favorite is the Chewy – my husband loves them.
I love all his episodes…especially when the camera is angled so that you can his face / head from inside the fridge. So funny!
My husband and I DVR every episode! I liked the episode where he was hiding the veggies for his niece – the parsnips.
I love the tuna recipes he does. Super yum! And my husband and I have not fried bacon since we saw Alton put them in the oven. Double Yum!
I’m a huge Good Eats fan, my current favorite is the “How to deep fry a turkey” episode. So many great tips that we are going to use for our Thanksgiving turkey this year!
My total favorite episode was the one all about bread. I love to cook breads every year for christmas and i always had to dedicate nearly a week of my time to make bread. He’s given me new insight on methods, as well as his ‘hardware’ he uses with making bread.. the new episode with the whole sweeney todd thing was pretty epic too! he’s so funny!
Geeesh, I feel like playing tug of war with this question. It’s so hard to pick…but on the top of our list would have to be, Tender is the loin. This was the hubs & I starting point in our cooking career. We have this episode permanently saved in our dvr. Filet au Poivre is our fave steak dinner.
Favorite episode? Probably the Chili (with an E!) episode with Rusty. My wife and quote that episode all the time…
Seth AT bigbluetag DOT Com
My sister and I are both head-over-heels for Alton Brown and Good Eats. My favorite episode would have to be Popover Sometime. We saw this episode just a few days after learning that our mother loved popovers but hadn’t had them since her grandmother died. Thanks to Alton Brown I was able to make them for her on Mothers Day.
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