Bacon wrapped, Goat cheese and almond stuffed Dates

This is the last of the “Stuff It!” party posts. I’ve actually never seen or eaten a date before making these little guys. Two weeks later, I’ve already made 3 batches. These have the perfect combination of salty and sweet, chewy and crunchy. I got hubby to help assemble them. They’re loosely based on a recipe from Allrecipes.
Bacon wrapped, goat cheese and almond stuffed dates – makes ~32
1 pkg pitted dates
4-5 oz goat cheese
~32 almonds
thick cut bacon

Cut the bacon in half and set aside.

Slice dates in half, and open them up. Scoop a small amount of goat cheese into the center of the dates (I used a teaspoon, hubby used his fingers). Place an almond in the goat cheese and close the halves of the dates.

Wrap a half-slice of bacon around the outside of the date. Secure each one with a toothpick. We found it was best to fill all the dates first, then wrap them all. Arrange in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with sides to catch any grease.
Broil for about 5 minutes on each side or until bacon is cooked. We also threw these on the grill the second time around. They took a little longer, but were still delicious.
Remove toothpicks before serving.
Note – I am submitting this in Joelen’s TGIF Martini Mixer blogging event. Check out the details here.

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6 Responses to “BBQ Chicken Pizza Sticks”

  1. #
    nutmegnanny — February 15, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    These look great! I just recently broke down and tried BBQ chicken pizza. It’s delicious! I should give this recipe a try this week. I know my boyfriend would love it.

  2. #
    Joanne — February 15, 2010 at 7:27 pm

    My favorite pizza place when I lived in Boston was Sicilia’s…I love their stuffed pizza. It was always our go-to on Superbowl Sunday.

    I, like you, only eat pizza sparingly now though and its typically homemade. there are just so many good toppings you can put on homemade pizza that you can’t find in pizza places (sweet potatoes?). This bbq chicken pizza looks delicious!

  3. #
    Julie — February 16, 2010 at 1:36 am

    That’s sounds great any way you serve it up.

  4. #
    CB — February 16, 2010 at 4:15 am

    Whoa whoa whoa!!? You’re NOT a pizza person? How are we friends? I think we need to break up. HA HA! BBQ pizza sticks sounds awesome. I’m definitely starring for next party. Yum!

  5. #
    Jen — February 16, 2010 at 4:21 am

    I blame it on my stomach issues CB. Plus, I ate enough pizza in college to last a life time!

  6. #
    yumventures — February 16, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    They sound great! I always love new ways to serve old favorites =)

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