Easy M&M Treats

These little guys remind me of Christmas growing up. We always made them. They’re the perfect combination of salty and sweet and are the perfect bite-size.

These treats would also be great for any other occasion. Pink or blue M&Ms for a baby shower, orange and black for Halloween, red and blue for Forth of July. I highly recommend making this a two-man job. It will make things go a lot smoother.

Easy M&M Treats (by ME!)
1 1-lb bag of mini-pretzels
2 big bag of M&Ms
2 packages of Almond Bark

Line 2 cookie sheets with waxed paper. Lie pretzels (flat side down) on the waxed paper. They can be very close to each other.

Melt almond bark in the microwave according to the directions on the package. Using a spoon, scoop some of the melted almond bark into the holes of the pretzels. Before it starts to set, put 3 M&Ms into the melted almond bark. This is where it helps to have an extra set of hands. Usually I pour the melted almond bark while Hubby puts the M&Ms in.

When the sheet is full, put it in the freezer or outside to let the almond bark set.

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2 Responses to “Chocolate Oreo Rice Krispies Treats in the Microwave (aka “baking” with no kitchen)”

  1. #
    Lindsey — June 9, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Oh my. I’ve had Rice Krispy Treats with things mixed in, but never Oreos. Those look amazing.

  2. #
    Katrina — June 11, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    I made these a couple months ago they are fab-u-lous! Way to make do and make something yummy! Fun to see pics of your kitchen taking shape!

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