Operation Baking Girls – Round 13

Today is the day I shipped my baked goods for Operation Baking Gals (be sure to check out the article on Taste of Home about OBG). As a reminder, I paired up with Heather Drive to co-lead a team this round. The soldier we sponsored this round is a friend of mine from high school. If you have someone who you’d like to have sponsored by a team, please let me know. This time around, we had 36 members for our team, so Jon and his buddies are going to have a LOT of goodies to enjoy!! Thanks to everyone who joined the team!!

As I mentioned in the post announcing the Round 13 team, I ordered a 10-pack of Flat Rate boxes from the US Post Office. They came in the mail shrink wrapped and ready to be used. It’s so great that the USPS does this. It definitely makes things so much easier when sending a package overseas.

I made my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (The Chewy), and a batch of Pecan Pie cookies. I actually froze the cookies for about 5 days prior to sending them. I didn’t do that last time, but I’m hoping that they will be fresher when the arrive because of it. In the bio that we had about Jon, he said he loved pecan pie. Obviously I couldn’t send a pie, so I Googled pecan pie cookies and used the first recipe that came up. I’ll be blogging these soon. Hubby and I both enjoyed them and I hope Jon does as well.

The cookies I made only filled about 1/2 the box, but due to travel and other things going on, I didn’t have time to bake anything else. I decided to throw in the Nature Valley nut cluster packs that I won in a blog giveaway recently. I figured Jon might enjoy them as a snack.

I used the generic grocery store brand tupperware containers to package my cookies. I didn’t put any paper towel or apple peal in them this time, and I’m hoping that it works out ok. I’ll let everyone know what Jon says about this…

I also wrote a little note for Jon saying hi and that he’s in our thoughts. Again, if you know someone who is stationed overseas right now, send me an email if you’d like to find out more about having them be a sponsored soldier. And be sure to check out the Operation Baking Gals website for more information about participating as a baker.

Don’t forget about my Power of Pink Challenge going on all month.

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2 Responses to “Operation Baking Gals – Round 15 is open for Registration!!”

  1. #
    nutmegnanny — November 25, 2009 at 4:11 am

    I registered! Can’t wait to help:)

  2. #
    Jen — November 25, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    Thanks so much for signing up!

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