Foto Friday II: Aperture

It’s that time again – time to announce the next Foto Friday topic! As mentioned in the unveiling of Fotography Friday, there are no real rules here, we just want to encourage people to learn about the advanced features on their camera. Do some research and write up a post about it. Include the FF logo if you want and upload the pictures to our Flickr group. But only if you want to. No need to contact us to let us know you’re participating (but you can if you want).

For February, the Fotography Friday topic is: 

So get out there and learn about aperture. For starters, I’d recommend this 4-part serious from PW) and this post from the Digital Photography School.

If you missed it, but sure to check out my post from FFI – Flash.

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5 Responses to “Macro Tuesday”

  1. #
    CB — September 17, 2008 at 1:07 am

    I am totally addicted to learning anything/everything about cameras now. I blame you! haha. I think macro is my favorite setting. Do you have a macro lens or do you use your kit lens+macro setting? Thanks for putting up with all my questions!

  2. #
    Jen — September 17, 2008 at 1:21 am

    Ha. Sorry or You’re Welcome 🙂 I used the Macro setting with the kit lens. I think for the middle picture I used my 55-200 lens. The others are with the 18-55 lens.

    I find myself not using Macro as much as I thought I would. Since the flash goes up. Based on what I learned yesterday I might start using Landscape for food pictures.

    Probably 90% of the time, I just use the Auto setting or Auto w/o flash and let the camera do all the work. Sometimes I use Shutter priority or Aperture priority. I’m glad this week’s photo week is causing me to try out all the different options.

  3. #
    Steph — September 17, 2008 at 1:55 am

    Jen! I took the same picture of the seed on a dogwood tree, mine didn’t turn out that great though… We are always on the same wave length. Nice job!

  4. #
    Sara — September 17, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Thanks for the insight, Jen! I don’t know squat about taking pictures, so I appreciate your words of wisdom. That checkers set is so cool. Great angle!

  5. #
    Amy Kingman — September 18, 2008 at 2:16 am

    I’m a big fan of the checkers shot as well!

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