30-while-30 Five Month Update

I feel like a total slacker when it comes to my 30-while-30 list. I know the point of the list is to be fun, but I’ve barely completed anything and I’m almost half way through the year. Hopefully, I get some of these things done soon…

Food / Blogging

  • Chocolate Mosaic Cheesecake
  • Gnocchi
  • Donuts
  • Eggs Benedict
  • Laminated dough (either danishes or croissants)
  • Make bread at least 4 times
  • Bake at least 4 layer cakes – 1: Neapolitan Cheesecake Cake
  • Buy a whole coconut. Open it. Do something (delicious) with it.
  • Make at least one thing from each cookbook I own – any cookbooks that don’t get used in a year, donate or giveaway on here – I started making my list of cookbooks. I plan to post it on here shortly.
  • Cook with 3 new foods – Being part of a CSA this summer has been AMAZING. I’ve definitely already cooked with 3 new foods, including this Summer Shrimp Salad.


  • Send birthday cards to my and Hubby’s families (including siblings, parents, nephews, etc) – So far, so good on this one
  • Continue to bake for a good cause – I was able to participate in an online bake sale on The Spiffy Cookie 
  • Go see my sister’s new house – This hasn’t happened yet, but we have made plans to see her house over Thanksgiving when we’re in the Midwest next week
  • Go on a girls weekend getaway – Done! I spent a weekend in St Louis with my mom and two sisters in July. It was a great time.
  • Volunteer 4 times


  • Get another tattoo 
  • Pay off my car – Done!
  • Decide on a signature / go-to cocktail – I’m working very hard on trying new cocktails to make this decision
  • Watch a sunrise
  • Read 4 books – 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. Water for Elephants.

Healthy living

  • Walk another Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Done! Recap here
  • Continue to work out on a regular basis – I’ve been a working out machine recently. It’s been awesome.
  • Treat myself to 6 massages – four down, 2 to go
  • Get my first facial

Travel and Life in Boston

  • Go to the Head of the Charles – This one didn’t happen. It was really sad. The Head of the Charles weekend was beautiful. Hubby and I were getting ready to head out to walk over to see the races and I started feeling sick. It was a combination of allergies and something else. I tried to stay strong and power through it, but about a mile into our walk, we had to turn back. I had a horrible fever and just wasn’t doing so well. Hopefully we’ll make it to the HOTC next year…
  • Visit the New England Aquarium
  • See the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
  • Go to Top of the Hub for cocktails
  • Visit 3 new cities – 1: St Louis, 2: Niagara Falls

Reader’s Choice

  • Post more how-to tips (including videos) on here (thanks to Mary and Sarah for the suggestion!) – Check out my new How-To tag. I’ve posted a few how-to posts this month already!
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5 Responses to “Happy Birthday to ME!”

  1. #
    Hanaâ — June 17, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    Happy birthday!!! Did you bake yourself a bday cake? I usually do. Have a great day!

  2. #
    Katrina — June 18, 2009 at 3:44 am

    Happy Birthday. The Almond Joy cupcakes look de-lish!

  3. #
    Mom2Be — June 23, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    hope you had a great birthday! : )

  4. #
    Kerstin — June 23, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    Happy Birthday!!

  5. #
    Ingrid — June 25, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Happy belated birthday!

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