Coconut Raspberry Ice Cream Cupcakes

While I was at JP Licks the other day, I grabbed margarita sorbet for the coconut margarita ice cream cupcakes, but the red raspberry fat free frozen yogurt also caught my eye. Boy do I miss ice cream and frozen yogurt. I had a little taste and this stuff is amazing. I decided raspberry would also go well with coconut, so I took a pint of that home as well.

Again, I made the two varieties of cupcake/ice cream configurations. And again both were great. The frozen yogurt is soft, so it does drip down the cupcake. This is definitely one you want to eat with a spoon.

This is my last ice cream cupcake for now. I hope to make some more dairy free ones once the kitchen is back in working order. The one thing I’ve learned is that a stiff frosting works best. I’d say cream cheese frosting is best for ice cream cupcakes.

I am submitting these cupcakes into the blogging event hosted by Cupcake Project and Scoopalicious. Be sure to check back to vote for their reader’s choice cupcakes. Voting will be the first week in June.

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2 Responses to “Mini chocolate-chocolate cupcakes with raspberry and caramel filling”

  1. #
    PheMom — April 25, 2008 at 12:49 am

    Mmmm… you put all my favorite things in there. Chocolate, caramel, raspberries, cupcakes! Thanks so much for participating!

  2. #
    Sunshinemom — April 25, 2008 at 3:52 am

    So gooey – must have tasted really chocolatey!

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