Fotography Friday

…Nothing like getting this in at the last possible moment…

As you may have noticed, I’ve been trying to make time for photography in my life. This hobby has a hard time competing with my love of baking. BUT, luckily this blog brings both of those hobbies together into one. I like to think that my new *in April* Nikon D40 DSLR camera has helped my food photography this year. Or just the fact that I’ve made a conscience effort to learn to take better pictures. I’ve taken a couple classes and added quite a few photography blogs to my Google Reader.

Sometime last summer, I was talking with CB (of I heart Food 4 Thought) about cameras. If I remember correctly, she posted something on her blog about cameras or food pictures… So we talked about DSLRs and food photography. Now that she has a DSLR too (a Sony A200), we were talking about trying to learn how to use these dang things without just reading the manual from cover to cover. We decided to take it in small steps and learn together.

If you recall, Steph and Amy started Photo Week which just encourages anyone to get out there and use your camera more, the idea with Fotography Friday is to actually take an advanced topic (that may or may not be available in a P&S) and dig into when the details of these advanced machines that we have. Basically, we’ll pick a topic the first Friday of the month. Then we’ll both do our own research and play around with the topic. Then we’ll post about it before the next topic is revealed. Feel free to join us on our journey. You can post on any Friday throughout the month, or every Friday during the month. Participate as much or little as you’d like. Like I said, the topics may or may not be suited for your camera, but feel free to join and take any interpretation of the topic you want.

Now that you get the idea, here’s the first topic: 

This topic was motivated by the fact that the days are just TOO SHORT to get any food photographs with natural light (Rule #1 for food photography). I have to admit that I do try to save my baking for the weekends so I can get some good pictures in natural lighting… Or sometimes I save a couple cookies until the weekend just to get a good picture of them. Now we all know it is possible to use the flash and not have everything washed out. It’s possible and in the next month I’m determined to understand how to do it with my camera.

One other thing. I’m double dipping on this. I plan to read through my D40 manual through this blogging event so that I can mark another thing off my list before my next birthday!

If you have a topic you’d like to see in Fotography Friday, please email me.
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8 Responses to “I Spy with my Eye… Photo Week!”

  1. #
    CB — October 4, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    Fun fun fun! I am gonna try to participate everyday. My hubs will probably think carrying my camera with me everywhere for the next week is cuckoo though. Then again its me. He’s probably use to it. HAHA

  2. #
    Steph — October 5, 2008 at 6:51 pm

    Awesome concept! You know I’ll be post’n.

  3. #
    1915buffalo — October 6, 2008 at 1:42 am

    Awesome challange. It will be interesting how others express other senses through the lens. I hope I can live up to it.

  4. #
    Jen — October 6, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    I’m looking forward to what everyone comes up with. It’s going to be fun!

  5. #
    Nikki57 — October 6, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    Crap. I knew there was a reason I was going to bring my camera to work.

  6. #
    Jen — October 6, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    Nikki – you can participate in any days that you’re able to do it. Not many rules with Photo Week. My post tonight will be coming very late. I’m already behind on my own photo week!!

  7. #
    Nikki57 — October 6, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    Well at least I’m not the only slacker. I wanted to play around with some of the equipment from work so I guess I’ll just have to smuggle it home with me 😛

  8. #
    Amy Kingman — October 7, 2008 at 1:22 am

    Love this challenge. I posted my sight photos today. 🙂

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