Colorful Shrimp and Quinoa Salad

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again. Hubby spoils me. He packs my lunch every morning before work while I’m getting ready. It works out well since we ride to work together. So every morning, he packs me all sorts of healthy snacks to keep me full throughout the day.

I love eating salads for lunch. I usually go with this Massaged Kale Salad with Pear and Pumpkin Seeds. But sometimes I like to mix things up. I was browsing foodgawker and this recipe caught my eye. Lucky for me, we had all of the ingredients on hand!

This Colorful Shrimp and Quinoa Salad kept well in the fridge and did a good job of keeping me full in to the afternoon. I loved the punch of sweetness provided by the pomegranate arils.

One Year Ago: Short Rib Ragu
Three Years Ago: Chicken Sausage, Spinach, Tomato and Goat Cheese Quiche

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Colorful Shrimp and Quinoa Salad

Shrimp, black beans, and quinoa mixed up to make a great healthy salad

Yield: Serves 4-5


For the Salad
1 lb steamed shrimp
1/2 cup dry quinoa
1/3 cup red onion, chopped
1 orange, peeled and segments chopped
1 avocado, chopped
1 cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup pomegranate arils (about 1 pomegranate worth)
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
salt & pepper

For the Dressing
2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, microplaned or finely minced
dash of sugar
salt & pepper
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil


For the Salad
Cook quinoa according to package directions. Set aside to cool.

Combine cooled quinoa with shrimp, red onion, orange segments, avocado, beans, pomegranate arils, cilantro, salt and pepper.

For the Dressing
Add lemon juice, garlic, sweetener, salt and pepper into a small bowl and whisk in oil.

Pour dressing over the salad and stir to combine. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Recipe adapted from Iowa Girl Eats

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11 Responses to “Massaged Kale Salad”

  1. #
    Lauren — August 30, 2010 at 11:23 am

    I’m so glad you posted this! Aarti’s kale salad is on my list of dishes to make, and it’s good to know that you guys enjoyed it.

  2. #
    Fun and Fearless in Beantown — August 30, 2010 at 12:49 pm

    I saw this on the first episode of Aarti Party and it looked so good to me! Kale is something I’ve also never worked with in our kitchen so I definitely want to give this recipe a try!

  3. #
    Josie — August 30, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    I love kale, and I was intrigued by this as well – I really want to try it now! Great picture!

  4. #
    Lauren — August 30, 2010 at 2:12 pm

    I picked up all of the ingredients this morning to make the salad, and it is now sitting in my fridge waiting to be devoured for lunch. It’s GREAT! Who knew raw kale could be so good?!

  5. #
    Lizzy — August 30, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    Kale is one of my favorite foods but I haven’t had it raw yet. I am bookmarking this!

  6. #
    Kate — August 30, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    Wow sounds interesting! I’m very curious to try it myself. I love kale.

  7. #
    Christine — August 30, 2010 at 9:48 pm

    I saw this on Aarti Party too – looks good – glad you tried it!

  8. #
    We Are Not Martha — August 31, 2010 at 1:51 am

    I love kale and am on a new-found mango kick, so I’m sure this is absolutely wonderful 🙂


  9. #
    Sherry G — August 31, 2010 at 3:33 pm

    I don’t know if I could get anyone in my family to try this, but it looks so interesting! I have never tried kale, but I would like to!

  10. #
    Cara — August 31, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    I made a massaged kale salad once but it was just “eh”. I don’t think I massaged enough. But I might have to try it again, and do it the right way, since you both loved it!

  11. #
    Elina — September 2, 2010 at 6:48 pm

    I LOVE massaged kale – love, love, love it. It tastes completely different than “regular” – not as “green” if that makes sense. 🙂
    I also love the next food network star. I should check out Aarti’s show since this recipe sounds like it’s right up my alley. 🙂

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